Ahkvan Myth in Eucidia | World Anvil
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Ahkvan (awk-vawn)

What childhood stories are people still afraid of as adults in your world?
  The story of the rebellious right hand Ahkvahn. Only once did the headmistress trust a soul enough to hire him as her right hand advisor. Together they oversaw the lost lands, and He was in charge of tending to her lost creatures and making sure they were fed and loved. He was also the only one who knew of the headmistresses' heritage, and rank. She trusted him so much, she gave a small portion of her power to him provided he used the power for good and to create a new home for more creatures. What the headmistress did not know was that he was a spy sent by her enemies off-world, tasked with bringing the power back to his people. He ripped a hole in the cosmos with his new power and attempted to bring the armies of the Kthras through to demolish the lost lands. The headmistress had only needed to wave her hand to disintegrate his forces, and then pulled him near. "Why have you betrayed me so deeply? Have I not cared for you? Taken you in as one of my own, and promoted you to the highest honor of your life? I have loved you deeper and fiercer than any other and proven to you that you are more to me than anyone else. So why Ahkvahn?" He looked up at her with a sullen look on his face and tears in his eyes and replied, "Headmistress, I am deeply sorry for what I have done, I was forced by my leader to forget everyone I ever knew and come here. We are in the middle of a war my love, and it will never cease. I will never know rest. Pain and suffering are all that await me back home, and I only wanted to use your power to silence the world once again. To return it to the glory and peace we once had. Surely you understand my dear?" She turned her head away in disgust and answered, "You were my second-in-command. My right hand. I trusted you to keep this land safe from harm. And what did you do? You stole from me, you betrayed the school, you caused pain and heartbreak to the creatures of the lost, and you ripped open the cosmos. Your cowardice from the people who could never harm you here is sickening, and i'm sorry to have loved such a pitiful excuse for a man. For your crimes against Eucidia, I revoke your power and banish you to wander the border of our plateau for the rest of your sorry existence." And so it was that the soul was banished and as he grew older and older, his soul started to fade away. But the headmistress was filled with spite and malice and cast a spell on the lowly Ahkvahn to never die, and continue guarding the border for eternity. Rumor has it when anyone walks near the border that the spirit of Ahkvahn will appear to them and wail and plead them for death.

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