Character Trait Inquiries in Etof | World Anvil
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Character Trait Inquiries

The Character Trait Inquiries table is a tool used for players to breathe life into their characters. A player can roll any amount of times to find inspiration for their characters, and include it in their backstories or use it as a character's personal reflection after an adventure.
d100 Inquiry
1 What is your character's favorite color?
2 What is your character's morning routine?
3 Does your character have a secret talent? (singing, whittling, writing, etc.)
4 Can your character play an instrument? Which one?
5 How does your character relax after a stressful day?
6 What is your character's favorite animal?
7 Did or does your character have a pet?
8 What does your character think of their own abilities?
9 Describe one happy memory your character has.
10 Does your character have any phobias?
11 What is a secret your character would kill to keep?
12 Describe someone who has a justifiable grudge against your character.
13 Describe your character's first memory.
14 What type of social structure does your character like? (rigid hierarchies, loose associations, etc.)
15 Who was your character's first best friend?
16 Everybody has a price, something for which they would compromise all of their values. What is your character's price?
17 Your character respects their own skills, but what other class does your character admire?
18 What would your character die to defend?
19 What does your character want for their future?
20 Who are your character's parents?
21 What did your character do when they were a child?
22 What did your character do before they became an adventurer?
23 Where did your character live before they became an adventurer?
24 Why did your character become an adventurer?
25 Describe a fun anecdote from your character's past.
26 Describe something your character likes and dislikes.
27 Describe a big change your character went through before the adventure.
28 Describe an object that is important to your character.
29 Describe something your character is not good at.
30 What important relationships does your character hold?
31 Describe an impulse or reflex that your character has to stop themselves from doing.
32 Why does your character use the weapon they use?
33 Did your character name their weapon?
34 Where did your character get their weapon?
35 Who taught your character how to use their weapons?
36 When your character was young, who did they look up to?
37 What is your character's favorite food or drink?
38 What is something dumb your character did when they were younger?
39 What skill would your character like to learn in their lifetime?
40 How does your character move when casting a spell?
41 What does your character think of other races or cultures? 
42 When does your character resort to violence?
43 What are some types of people or situations that make your character happy, sad, or angry?
44 What are/were your character's families like?
45 How does your character spend their down time?
46 When does your character forgive? When do they take revenge?
47 Who would your character sacrifice their life for?
48 Where does your character want to explore?
49 Where has your character learned some of their skills? (survival, medicine,  persuasion, etc.)
50 What is a small trinket your character likes to carry?
51 How many squirrels do you think your character could take in a fight?
52 What is a creature your character has only heard rumors of?
53 Does your character like pineapples on pizza?
54 When is the last time your character spoke to their parents?
55 What does your character find fun?
56 If your character could be an expert at any one thing, what would it be?
57 If your character couldn't adventure anymore, what would they do?
58 What kind of things does your character have access to?
59 What kinds of contacts has your character gained over their life/career?
60 What would you consider your character's signature move in combat?
61 What would you consider your character's signature move outside of combat?
62 If your character was given an hour alone with a piece of paper and a writing utensil, what would be on it by the end?
63 Beyond just wealth, fame, or camaraderie, what is your character's ultimate motivation?
64 Your character is offered a reward: would they rather it be coin, a favor, a title, access to a forbidden region, a rare magical item, an enigmatic and mysterious trinket, or a selection of aesthetic, mundane items?
65 Your character goes to a museum. What exhibits would they be most interested in?
66 Ability scores are often abstract concepts, but what do they mean in regards to your character? How do they physically manifest their strength, dexterity, etc.?
67 Does your character defy or conform to the cultural norms of their background?
68 Your character is reminded of something they hate. What is it, and what about it do they lament the most?
69 Your character looks at themselves in a mirror. What is their emotion?
70 Your character is subject to a surprise interview, what would the interviewer ask as a soft question, and which question would your character avoid being asked?
71 Does your character make friends easily?
72 While traversing an expansive dungeon, your character encounters a problem they could solve in a number of ways. They could solve it quickly in an hour, or take a day and be left with a permanent valuable resource in the future. How would they go about it?
73 Your character finds a magical potion but does not know its effect. Do they discard it, take a cautious sip, drink it all at once, or have an alchemist look at it later?
74 After a long and frustrating day of looking for an NPC, the party finds them and a chase breaks out. Your character would have to leave the rest of the party behind in order to pursue. Would they?
75 If your character follows a certain faith or deity, what happens if they meet an NPC who subscribes to a heretical faith? Do they respond with disgust, tolerance, violence, or something else?
76 What item in your character's starting inventory means the most to them?
77 What is your character's most immediate goal?
78 What quality does your character like the most in others?
79 What quality does your character dislike the most in others?
80 What would your character write on their own tombstone?
81 What was your character like as a child, and how are they different now?
82 What is the most useful item in your character's position that does not involve combat or healing?
83 If your character could invent a spell or potion, what would they do?
84 If your character is religious, what is something that makes them feel closer to the god or gods they worship?
85 What is your character's "happy place?"
86 When you stay in a new place, does your character do anything special to make them feel at home?
87 What lessons have your character learned the hard way?
88 What makes your character stand out in a crowd? What if it's a crowd of your character's own race?
89 Are they any interesting or funny things on your character's bucket list?
90 What small task or hobby brings your character a lot of joy?
91 If money was no object, what would your character buy?
92 Does your character like parties? If so, what do they like doing at them?
93 What would your character like to do differently from how they usually do things?
94 What kinds of people does your character not get along with?
95 What small or somewhat useful skill does your character excel at?
96 What would your character have been if they had never started adventuring?
97 How important are romantic relationships or friendships to your character?
98 What would make your character choose to give up their life of adventuring?
99 Does your character think much before they speak? What situations would cause your character to think more or less before talking?
100 Does your character have any tattoos? What to they mean? If not, do they want any?

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