Katya Character in Etira | World Anvil
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The line of colorfully-painted wagons rolls along the road, glittering icicles tinkling loose from their overhanging roofs with each jostling bump. A small figure, fit-looking and wearing baggy clothing and a large cap, lounges on the bench of the rearmost wagon. Suddenly, the sharp crack of snapping wood splits the air and the protesting grunts of the leading aurochs draws her from her doze. She swears under her breath and leans forward, adjusting her cap as she does so, and hops off the bench to the ground before grumbling curses at the driver who would be so foolish as to drive their wagon into such an obvious pitfall.
  Katya is a young woman from the coastal city of Riverpuddle. Impetuous and bold, she is nevertheless quite shy and distrustful which can make her slow to warm up to new faces. Her father, one of the local shipwrights, spent the time he wasn't ignoring or abusing her to teach her carpentry. She took to it surprisingly well and it wasn't long before she was earning a few extra coins down at the docks, coins which her father gleefully confiscated as his "tutor's fee." Katya quickly began finding excuses to stay out for longer periods as her skill and personal wealth grew and it was during one such outing that her path crossed with Treya Alessi. The two got on like a house on fire and soon, Katya found herself running with the self-proclaimed Queen of Thieves, providing her skills as a carpenter when necessary.   This went on for several weeks, with Treya's trust for Katya growing as the latter proved herself to be reliable, trustworthy and able to roll with both figurative and literal punches. It was because of this trust that Treya, after her run-in with Amity and the others, asked Katya to find a way to sign on with the Menagerie when it left Riverpuddle. Though hesitant, the opportunity to leave Riverpuddle and see more of the world at large was too tempting an offer to pass up. Offering her services as a wainwright ("wagons are kind of like land-boats, right?"), she has since earned her place within the Menagerie's fellowship.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, but not particularly muscular

Apparel & Accessories

Wears baggy overalls and a too-large newsboy-style cap.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Learned carpentry from her father who worked as a shipwright at the docks in Riverpuddle.

Likes & Dislikes

Katya enjoys working with her hands and the quiet satisfaction of a job well done, though she would never admit that to anyone. Also enjoys napping.

Vices & Personality flaws

Quite shy around new people, tends to open up slowly. Has a sarcastic wit, which others can sometimes be interpreted as frustration or anger.


Katya doesn't really mind being dirty. Comes with the job.


Contacts & Relations

Has a tenuous relationship with her father, who taught her carpentry but was an impatient teacher.
Current Residence
Humplebumble's Monstrous Menagerie
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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