100 Year War Document in Ethos | World Anvil
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100 Year War

The War that started from nothing. They watched as a senseless dispute turned in to the obliteration of our home. Not only did we lose what was important to us, we lost our culture, we lost our comradery, we lost our unity. Not one single person was responsible for this war, but one person ended it.

Vanya I'ar was a tried and true sorceress that was well practiced for someone of her age. The only caveat to her extraordinary skill was her lackluster dedication and proneness to erratic behavior. But the elves were a non-judgmental race, and gave everyone their fair share of respect.

During the last decade of the war, both sides of the conflict grew weary of fighting. A truce was rumored to be in the making but never came to fruition as the negotiators were mysteriously assassinated. Vanya pleaded to The Council of 9 to take greater action against the dwarves for their foul play and was successful in doing so. They asked what she would have them do, to which she replied, "Let me show them the power of the Elven race! Let me show them why we, the race picked from trees, are not ones to be swayed! Let me show them the might of Corellon, for he has shown me the path to the end of this conflict!". The council was surprised by the fire burning within the ordinarily lazy elf. And as such, they agreed to let her spearhead the project known as "The Watcher".

The project took about 9 years to complete, for the sigils to be placed across the land. Word had caught the ear of the dwarves of a doomsday project and tried to hail the elves, but the elves had effectively cut off communication to the dwarves. With the sigils inscribed and the spellcasters in place, the elves were ready to release The Watcher. From atop The Parallel Tower stood Vanya and recited the sacred words she was taught.

That’s all of the records we have of that event. We only assumed that everyone at and near the explosion were killed, as an explosion that had the power to divide a continent couldn't be survived. And as such, the 100 Year War ended. Senseless and merciless killing of thousands of souls will forever be remembered to honor the fallen, and to keep from repeating our mistake.

- Dupree Repeat


This article was a 1st hand perceptive of the events of the 100 year war.
Manuscript, Literature

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