The Adventurers Guild Organization in Etherion | World Anvil
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The Adventurers Guild

If an adventurer wanted to join the guild, they can for a small fee of 1 GP. With every guild quest you finish, the guild will keep part of the reward money to pay for expenses, this will already be subtracted from the offered reward on the quest. In exchange, the adventurer can sleep at guild locations for free and sometimes even get a free meal. Guild members gain free access to the world's teleporters, this way it's easier to travel around the world to go on your quests, as some do require the adventurer to go to different countries or even continents.   You can register under individual names or as a group. This helps the guild know what types of quests fit for you and with this with which quests they can approach you or your group directly. If you register alone you can still go on group quests. However, the adventurers guilds quests are exclusive to the guild, so you’d have to make sure they are also registered or they wont get any payment.   You can find a quest board on every location. On the quests you can find the quest information, reward, required tier and required minimum amount of adventurers. Sometimes it also includes the an end date when it needs to be done in a hurry. If you and or your party are of higher tiers than the quest asks for, you can take it with one less person per higher tier.   When you find a quest that fits you (and your party) you can take the quest from the board to the reception. Here they register you (and you party) as on this quest. This way the guild knows who is where and if you may be in trouble when staying away for too long. With quest boards outside of the guild it might work differently. Always ask the owner of the establishment for details.  

The guild tier system explained

  The guild works with a their system. You klimb these tiers by finishing quild quests.
  • With 0-24 quest you’ll be part of tier Hippogriff .
  • With 25-74 quests you’ll be part of the Wyvern tier.
  • With 75-124 quests you’ll part of the Hydra tier.
  • And lastly with 125 quests and up (till 249) you’ll be part of the Dragon tier.
  • Technically there is another tier, this one is 250 quests and up you’ll be part of the Tarrasque tier, which no one has reached in the past 3 generations.
  To see the Adventurers Guild background click here.
Adventurers guild logo

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