Calendar Tradition / Ritual in Etherion | World Anvil
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With Holidays

One week consists of 5 days.
Chauteaday (named after the goddess of agriculture)
Lliiradag (named after the goddess of joy)
Eldrathday (named after the goddess of peace)
Silvanusday (named after the god of nature)
Savrasday (named after the god of divination and fate)   One month consists of 4 weeks.
One season consists of 2 months.   Every month has one main holiday dedicated to the changes in nature, each is celebrated on the first day of said month. However, the different countries, tribes, clans or races might celebrate these differently and or dedicate them to different gods.  

The moons

The world has two moons spinning around it. A gray moon called Luna and a Purple moon called Mahina. Scientists aren't sure why the purple moon is purple. Some think it is because of oxidized metals like iron or manganese, but others think that the moon consists of purple stones and sands like Amethyst that also exist on the worlds service.

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Cover image: by GeneAut


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