Polaris {A.M.} Building / Landmark in Etheria | World Anvil
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Polaris {A.M.}

Purpose / Function

To serve as a home to new Guardians, and be a safe haven for all Etherians.


Library became unorganized
Bedrooms customized to Guardians/Etherians
Between door barricaded
Ballrooms cleared out, turned into gyms
Forge barricaded off
Overgrowth on outside, partially inside


Fantasy-style castle, very large and on a cliffside that leads down to a forest and overlooks the ocean. Made of the finest stone and Honeylams Moosewood (a rich, dark brown wood with veins of honey-colored wood). The interior has a room called the pathways, a room with ten doors. There's two ballrooms, a kitchen, a grand dining room not used often, and two seperate areas for bedrooms.


The house disguises itself as a small, abandoned shed to people she doesn't recognize. When she recognizes people, she reveals herself to them.


Built and run by Klibnemium Polaris, and was home to the old Guardians and Etherians.
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location

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