Titan Species in Etheria | World Anvil
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Before gods rose to power, the titans — horrific emanations of the world itself and primal urges made flesh — roamed the mortal realm, sowing death and destruction in their wake. The mortals, powerless to defend themselves, turned to prayer in their hour of need. From this prayer and concentrated devotion sprang forth the gods themselves, who in return defended the mortals and engaged the titans in divine combat. Though this war spanned mortal lifetimes, the gods ultimately were able to secure victory as belief in them grew stronger, and the titans were imprisoned in the darkest depths of the realms adjacent to the mortal realm, consigned to fates of suppression and becoming distant mortal memories. Some philosophers and scholars now believe, due to encountering ancient lore and divine visions, that the titans could have in fact been an elder race of Giants that, prior to and during their conflict with the gods, spawned the many kinds of giants that populate the world today.

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