The Protectors Organization in Eternus | World Anvil
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The Protectors

A group of vigilantes bound together by a common goal, to expose corruption and fight crime in Braymouth. They believe they bring justice when the law does not. They can be extreme. They have safehouses all over Braymouth, and they serve as a vigilante force. Often clash with the city watch.


The organization is a loose collection of vigilantes. They are led by a high protector, who coordinates all of their movements and is necessary for a grand plan. They organize in small groups led by a senior protector, or they operate alone, depending on the mission specifications. This flexibility and decentralization greatly helps them stay underground and operational without being shut down by the town watch. When they do centralize, they keep a tight veil of secrecy over their movements.

Public Agenda

They bring their own justice to a city where they believe the politicians are corrupt and the crime syndicates rule.


There are about 200 protectors in the city. About 40 of them are senior protectors. They have weapons caches and safehouses around the city, and they utilize the sewers to get around, as well as a system of bribed town watchmen. They have access to nearly every part of the city.

Justice is inevitable

Illicit, Other
Alternative Names
The guardians, the watchers, the insurgency,

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