Seamus MacDurbin Character in Eternus | World Anvil
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Seamus MacDurbin

Seamus MacDurbin

A retired hitman. Seamus MacDurbin lived peacefully, owning a textile store. He returned to his life as an assassin after the death of his brother at the hands of Lord Lasair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Seamus MacDurbin was born in the Leprechaun village of Riverwood, which was hidden in the eternal forest. At the age of 10 he left his home with his brother Terry in order to make a living and gain experience with the world. The two entered Braymouth, with his younger brother Terry developing a passion for tailoring. In order to support his brother, Seamus became a professional hitman, and by the age of twenty, he was widely feared throughout the city as the deadliest contract killer. However, he possessed a certain moral compass which led to him only taking jobs against the crime families. Thus, he was seen as a professional who was to be called in only in mafia intrigue and warfare. Seamus retired in the year 800, after buying two buildings across from each other on Graphite Street. He gave one to Terry, who had become a master tailor, to create a shop. He took the other shop and sold used clothes for a cheap price.


Seamus was educated in the ways of nature in Riverwood. When he went to Braymouth, he picked up on the different types of poisons and killing techniques, as well as the underworld politics of the city.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Seamus has assassinated many mafia leaders of great repute, and even a Lord of Braymouth, hence his skills were widely sought after before his retirement.

Mental Trauma

Seamus witnessed the death of his brother in the year 805, and resolved to kill Lord Lasair, the one responsible, deciding to help the Dudes on their quest.

Morality & Philosophy

Seamus has no qualms with killing, but he only takes jobs and eliminates people he believes to have done evil. Hence, he refuses to take jobs against the ordinary citizens of Braymouth.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Decuary,
Year of Birth
770 AA 36 Years old
Golden shimmering
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Seamus can speak common, halfling, elvish, dwarvish, and draconic.

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