Halflings Species in Eternarii | World Anvil
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It is commonly thought that halflings value a comfy and quite hearth and home above all else, and while this maybe true for the Stout Halflings it is not for all. There are a few things that they all seem to agree upon though which is the love of fine drink, food, stories and company and an agreement that the long legged races do not understand how to step with care.
ability score increase: +2 DEX
age: Considered fully grown at 25 with a life span up to 170 years
alignment: Alignments are based on the individual
Size: Small
speed: 15ft per action point
Languages: Common language of the area
race features:
Your halfling character has a number of traits in common with all other halflings.  
Halfling Luck
When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. No other reroll traits or class abilties can be used after Halfling Luck is rolled unless stated otherwise.  
You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.  
You can move through the space of any creature that is a size category larger than yours. This space is considered diffiuclt terrian if the creature is hostile and aware of you.
These small folk survive in a world full of larger and stronger creatures by avoiding notice and a touch of luck. Halflings are known as a affable and cheerful people happy to welcome others into their homes to share a meal and stories, it is often said by other folk that halfings drive for comfort empties them of a shred of ambition.  
Standing at about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively harmless, quarter and half inches are used to tell who is taller among themselves. They tend to have thick curly hair, of tawny and sandy colours, on the top of their heads and over their board feet, though facial hair is extremely rare. Whether on the road or in town they tend to have a 'Halflings paunche' generally caused by their love of food.   Clothing is frequently more pratical then fasionable as many halflings have little use for ostentation, though bright colours still tend to be prefered.  
Halfling Curiosity
Next to their cooking halflings are also known for their cat like curiosity, if there is gossip or a secret to know a halfling can't abide being out of the loop. Some take this a step farther and if someone were to welcome them into their home will soon find their guest has disappeared and is currently nosing through every drawer.  
Folk Traditions
These small folk have a surprising amount of superstitions, folk rituals and rites. Be these putting out a flower stuffed gord each harvest in thanks to Yondalla, that if a dog crosses your path you must pet it three times to avoid inviting bad spirits, their unique names for the gods, and their charmed keepsake.   The charmed keepsake is an item the halfling carries normally from their coming of age rite, when they must perform a task given to them by an elder of the community which can range from hunting, baking or even a series of riddles. At the end of the rite they take a simple item used or found during the rite that is thought to be a physical representation of their natural luck and adaptability.
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