Lotor Character in etern | World Anvil
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The Unbroken Lotor Sacran

Lotor is a warrior king who is not one to sit idle by and watch his soldiers and people die for him.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is very in shape being 200ib of muscle. he is extremely agile for his size as well as abnormally strong.

Facial Features

he has a very angular facial structure.

Identifying Characteristics

His right arm is engulfed in the mark of cordem it is a scar that has turned his flesh various shades of purple and black. He has sanguine eyes and snow white hair.

Special abilities

His blade the unbroken can reform its self to its former power at the command of Lotor.

Apparel & Accessories

The blade he carries is The Unbroken it is his trophy as well as his scar. He dresses similar to the Runian with the exception being his circlet upon his brow that is enamored with an intricate red gem.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lotor The Unbroken was once a noble warrior who inherited the kingdom through battle. during the last battle of the Wars of Sol. But prior to that as a child he trained with the jesters acrobats and his dream was to be a hero. That dream led him to the blade of the demon king cordem when he drew the blade he was taken by the power of cordem and became a puppet. This lasted until the future Queen his future bride defeated him in combat and destroyed the blade. He has all memory from his days as a puppet and it haunts him but drives him to never fall back into the pit he was in.

Accomplishments & Achievements

he is now the controller of the blade The Unbroken which once controlled him. He is credited with the victory of the last battle of the Wars of Sol.

Failures & Embarrassments

becoming the puppet of Cordem

Mental Trauma

he was possessed for many years and during those years he slaughtered innocents and helped a demon king.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
short white hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I dance with the demon to remain unbroken" "I dance with a demon unawoken To wield the might of the unbroken A blade made whole once again To let forth a power hidden within"
Ruled Locations

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