The Lands of Gog and Magog Geographic Location in Estiliea | World Anvil
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The Lands of Gog and Magog

The Lands of Gog and Magog
Written by Scholar Wirrick
  Not much is known about the lands of Gog and Magog for the simple fact that anyone who has stepped foot in this land has never returned. In the early years of the Crayton Empire, the Crayton king asked the Shadow King for the allowance of a small force to cross through his lands and enter the lands beyond. He accepted and the small force which had some scholars to draw maps as they navigated the unknown lands was allowed passage through. The king ordered the force to send a message every month to keep him updated to the scouting of the lands now known as Gog and Magog. Perhaps the king was seeking new lands to conquer or hoped to be the first to find a foreign kingdom. Six months went by without a single message, on the seventh month a raven returned with a piece of paper with nothing written on it but covered in blood. The most we have in terms of knowledge of whats beyond comes from the myths and tales of the locals in the Shadow Kingdom or the tales that are in the many religions in Estiliea.     In the Shadow Kingdom the locals claim of shadow people who roam the land north of them, they claim they cant be physically hurt, but can hurt others physically. They say the shadow people raid the northern lands of theirs and steal babies and children for their own sick purposes.     In Tenshgri religion they believe the children of the apocalyptic scourge live there, a race of pig faced man hellbent on the destruction of the world and heavens. They claim one day they will descend into Estiliea and the world as we know it will cease it exist.     In Shaoist religion they claim a gigantic fire lizard with wings spanning across the west and east coasts of Estiliea sleeps. They are the only kingdoms other then the wood elf's who disagree with sending men to go beyond the mountain pass, as they fear that one day they may stumble upon it and awaken it. They believe that awaking it is the destruction of the world.     The wood elf's of Fhal' Jus say the Eater of Worlds claims those lands and has slowly been sucking the life of Estiliea for some time now. He and his fire minions will come down and burn the world to ashes while it eats the world from the inside.     The old paganist religions of Timi' Dori, Guerra and the Gherist kingdoms to the west had a belief of beautiful angel look a like demons that roamed the land. The story goes the anyone who enters their lands will become hypnotized and either become servants to the demons or a sacrifice.     Now comes the Belief in the Fharimist and Majoraism. Prophet Fharim claimed god told him that the beings that are living beyond the mountains are demons working with Shaytin. God told Fharim that he'll deal with them when the time is necessarily. When Majora was besieging Baalstorm there was a tale that god spoke to him in his dream. God claimed that he and his army of angels have waged war against Gog and Magog, warning Majora that anyone who enters the lands of Gog and Magog at that current time will surely perish. Before I finish this it would not be fair to keep out the barbaric kingdoms of Yathrib and Iiman, who had similar beliefs as the other pagans up till a thousand years ago when their so called “prophet” Azwad came into the picture. Azwad the self proclaimed last prophet of god was asked by one of his followers of what was Gog and Magog he replied.  
“Gog and Magog is something words can not describe, no imagination can conceive it, no picture can capture. They are the darkest terror that was ever created, a million times more terrifying then the monsters in your dreams that keep you up at night. The merciful lord told me their looks alone are enough to kill a man.” - Prophet Azwad
    Since the creation of the Crayton Empire two hundred and forty three expeditions have taken place and none have returned or ever sent a message after crossing the mountain pass. Perhaps one day, most likely not in my lifetime, we will finally uncover what really lies beyond those mountains.

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