Tiefling Species in Erstwile Wastes | World Anvil
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A tiefling is a descendant of a union between an infernal creature and a human. Or maybe the union was farther up the family tree. Humans will get busy with anything. And with astral planes being so close, demons are really pretty easy to call; even when you're in the mood for more than just tea. And demons can be rapey... so there's that.   Otherwise, tieflings are like humans and usually raised by their human parentage. Demons don't have a lot of childcare facilities on their plane of existence.   Live with humans, work with them, get charged with murder, go on the lam, wait to the heat calms down, change your name, go on with life.

Basic Information


Tieflings appear human at a glance, although they all possess at least one unnatural feature that reveals their infernal heritage. At the least, tieflings have a disturbing demeanor or carry a whiff of brimstone about them but most also possess small horns, red eyes, or needle-sharp teeth. In some rarer cases, a tiefling may have a barbed tail or cloven feet.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most tieflings have human names but some witchy parents can't help but give an infernal sounding name. Most tiefling will end up taking new aliases and names later in life anyway. Creating your own identity can be freeing.

Major Organizations

Silver-Eyed Witches

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common is the natural language of tieflings; but speaking infernal languages seems to come a little more naturally to them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While not looked on favorably, tieflings are not openly hated. There's still an underlying racism for the demon spawn but life's shit anyway, so who cares, right? As long as they're not being a problem, everything is usually just fine. And when shit hits the fan, a tiefling is a nice scapegoat to have around.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens tiefiens
50 years
Average Height
Male 5.9 ft, Female 5.5 ft
Average Weight
Male 164-193 lbs, Female 129-151 lbs

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