Quincy Hadothol Character in Erozorona | World Anvil
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Quincy Hadothol

Quincy Hadothol

Quincy Hadothol was an experienced adventurer until he retired and opened up a tavern to aid younger adventurers looking to start their careers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quincy is not unhealthy, abstaining from alcohol. He is reasonably fit, but not muscular and relying on his agility more than his strength. Quincy has a rare birth defect where he only has his pointer, pinky, and thumb on his right hand.

Identifying Characteristics

Quincy has only three fingers on his right hand, which is only an identifying mark if you are able to see the hand.

Special abilities

Quincy is a bard who wields powerful magic, specifically a 20th level bard.

Apparel & Accessories

Quincy wears his iconic bandana and goggles almost always.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quincy had been an adventurer since he was 18, but about 200 years ago he decided to settle down and try to help young adventurers find their way in the world, using his massive acquired funds to build a tavern. Since then, he has guided some of the world's greatest adventurers to greatness.


Quincy had an education up to a college-level before becoming an adventurer.


Quincy was an adventurer until about two hundred years ago when he opened his tavern.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Quincy created one of the most well-known taverns in the entire world, other than The Yawning Portal.

Morality & Philosophy

Quincy believes strongly in utilitarianism, the belief that whatever solution ends in the most good is the objectively best solution.


Fighting in his tavern.

Personality Characteristics


Keeping adventurers in the business.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Adventurers and home-cooked meals.   Dislikes: Aneurysms, snakes, and demons.

Personality Quirks

Quincy very often polishes his goggles, even though he never uses them.


Quincy likes to keep his tavern unusually tidy to make his guests feel welcome and warm.


Contacts & Relations

Quincy tends to work for himself, but he has aided The Rebellion and The OIA.

Religious Views

Quincy is a nihilist.

Social Aptitude

Quincy is warm and friendly to anyone who walks through his tavern's doors, being an eccentric extrovert.

Hobbies & Pets

Quincy has a pet griffin named Krothar which he uses to fly from place to place.


Quincy speaks in an Outlands dialect of Common but likes to mix Common with words from other languages.

Wealth & Financial state

500,000 GP and a tavern
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
The Outlands
Current Residence
The Outlands
Long, Sleek, Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very Tan
120 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hey! Put down the chair!
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, and Sylvan.
Ruled Locations

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