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Erilia is close to being the earth we know and love, but its continents look rather...unnatural. That is to say, they're all completely split apart, and thus, have vastly different cultures.
This entire world is going to be a very chaotic place. Not the world, necessarily, but this page will be. I'm famously disorganized, and I would gladly take any criticism that's heaped on me.
Considering I'm relatively new to this website, this whole thing is just a huge work in progress. If it doesn't say "WIP" at the bottom, ignore it. I'm trying to make myself feel more organized.
This world will either be used for DnD or in a book that I might start writing soon. Then again, I say "soon" about a lot of things, so we'll see. A big thanks to anyone who took the time to sit down and read about my shoddy, messy world.