Tortle Species in Eriad | World Anvil
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Tortles are reptilian-looking humanoids with large shells on their backs that are capable of containing their entire bodies and provide ample protection. Tortle adults stand 5 to 6 feet tall and average 450 pounds. Their shells account for roughly one-third of their weight.   Besides being able to wield weapons and shields, Tortles have claws that are effective as natural weapons and they can retreat into their shells for protection if necessary. The shape of their bodies makes it impossible for Tortles to wear armor, however.  


  Most Tortles have the notion of having their houses on their backs, which means that they rarely feel homesick or the need to lay roots in any single place. They are eager to learn new customs and find beauty in the most ordinary things. Despite spending much of their lives isolated, Tortles like to form strong friendships.   Tortles only reproduce near the end of their natural lifespans. When their young hatch from their eggs, they spend the remainder of their lives sharing all their life experiences and teaching survival skills. Young Tortles become orphans after about one year, by which time they are expected to be able to fend for themselves.  


Ability Score Increase Str +2, Wis +1
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour at a time. Tortles aren't natural swimmers, but they can remain underwater for some time before needing to come up for air.
Natural Armor. Due to your shell and the shape of your body, you are ill-suited to wearing armor. Your shell provides ample protection, however; it gives you a base AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). You gain no benefit from wearing armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield's bonus as normal.
Shell Defense. You can withdraw into your shell as an action. Until you emerge, you gain a +4 bonus to AC, and you have advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws, you can't take reactions, and the only action you can take is a bonus action to emerge from your shell.
Survival Instinct. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill.

Languages. Common


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Cover image: by Eldi13
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