Iridium Material in Ereya | World Anvil
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Iridium is a hard, brittle metal, sought out in equal measures for its immense mechanical strength and reorienting properties. Its high boiling point, hardness and brittleness, makes it notoriously difficult to work with but it has the highest reorientating property of all the Shaper's Metals. The Old World developed a strengthened alloy of iridium called sandiye which has not been replicated by modern scientists. Iridium can be found in impact sites, such as the █████ Crater and mineral deposits in the heartlands, usually in the form of irarsite or cuproiridsite.


Material Characteristics

A lustrous metal that is white with a slight yellowish tint under standard ambience, but gains an iridescent, often purple or blue sheen in high ambience.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Solid iridium is extremely difficult to manipulate due to its brittleness, hardness and high melting point. Powder metallurgy is commonly used but this is insufficient for delicate instruments such as grounding blades, in which even the slightest variation in the density of different parts of the blade can be life-threatening. Iridium is also used in situations with extreme conditions due to its high mechanical strength. The powdered form of iridium, interestingly enough, is flammable.


Sandiye is an alloy made up of iridium along with other unknown elements.

Geology & Geography

The majority of iridium found on Ereya were found in impact sites and originate from meteorites, which are a frequent occurrence to this day. The largest of these craters is located down south which makes it inaccessible–unfortunate, considering that it is said to still contain layers of iridium-rich clay. Another significant source is igneous deposits, mainly the DEEP VOLCANO UNDERGROUND MINE, a massive complex whose tunnels have never been fully mapped through legends have it that it leads down to the core of the planet. Smaller deposits exist in the VERY BIG DESERT.


Trade & Market

Raw, unprocessed iridium can be found in various, exotic markets and bought in small orbs at a high price, usually as protection.   Treasure-hunting for artefacts with iridium components–especially sandiye–is very popular. The houses participate in this, all claiming that the treasures rightfully belonged to their family and crack down with brutal force on those who did not comply.


Due to its high non-corrosive properties and boiling point, iridium can be stored just about anywhere. Items forged of it require little maintenance.

Law & Regulation

Several houses have illegalised the recovery of items from battlefields or otherwise, particularly those containing iridium without permission.
Very high
White, yellowish-white, iridescent white
Boiling / Condensation Point
4130 °C
Melting / Freezing Point
2446 °C
Common State

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