Ingeous Character in Erethea | World Anvil
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Igneous (a.k.a. Iggy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong and stout build, like an ox.

Special abilities

Resistance to fire.

Apparel & Accessories

Always wears "loose" clothing, both from his culture and due to the natural high body temperature he inherited.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His father was a cruel and powerful Efreeti who had originally captured and owned his mother as a sex slave. However, she escaped and returned back to her homeland and was reunited with her influential family, unaware of the child growing inside of her. And so Igneous was born to an astute noble mother, hardened by her experiences, who eventually became the head of a business empire that began to monopolize the region. When he was around fourteen years old, a rival empire attacked; amidst the chaos of the raid, his mother sent him away to survive as the true heir to her dynasty. To this day, he doesn't know if his mother or his baby sister survived. Fending for himself throughout the years, he mostly took odd jobs where he was oftentimes accompanies by his orc and dwarven friends, all looking to make some coin to survive. Most of his profits went towards booze, as it had not taken Igneous long to become reliant on alcohol to make the painful memories fade away. After many years of going through the day-to-day grind, and after a drunken stupor of almost drowning and coming to his senses, Igneous finally began to believe again that he may have a higher calling. There had to be more than what life was offering. Thus he took up the adventurous lifestyle to find out what his true calling is and perhaps one day see what happened to his family legacy.

Dark soot black hair and short beard, dark tan that's almost a rust color. Big, warm, friendly, tries to live with a carefree attitude. A fire genasi barbarian who has a touch of magic in him and let's it out when he rages.

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Charcoal Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Orc, Primordial

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