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New Planting Moon, Year 4368

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The World of Erde is a deeply complex, diverse world of political factions, geographic locations, and noble (or not so noble) races.

Modeled loosely after our own world of Earth, Erde is closer to the the natural state that our world once was. Massive ice caps dominate the northern hemisphere, extending as far south as modern day central Oregon.

Just south of the icy Far North is the kingdom of the Northlands. Eight great cities span the countryside, each dedicated to one of the elements, housing a temple to its honor.

Centered in the Central Valley is the Kingdom of Lonwick, the stronghold of the technologically and militarily superior elves. While they do not actively make war or conquest with the kingdoms around them, they work efficiently with treaties, colonization, and - when needed - military might to protect what they deem to be theirs.

To the east, over the mountains, is the massive desert known as the Burning Sands. Stretching from the Shallow Sea to the barren land of ice in the north, the Burning Sands was once a thriving, verdant jungle kingdom that was laid low by a battle amongst the gods aeons ago.

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