Asgard Geographic Location in Erde (aka Midgard) | World Anvil
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Asgard - Home of the Aesir Gods

Asgard is the dwelling place of the gods. Asgard is divided into 12 or more realms; including Valhalla and Folkvangr, the homes of Odin and Freya respectively - and the abode of heroes slain in earthly battle; Thrudheim, the realm of Thor; and Breidablik, the home of Balder.


Each important god had his/her own palace in Asgard, and many people of Erde believe that these mansions are similar in design to those of their own nobility. Asgard can only be reached from earth via the Bifrost.


Gates to Valhalla and Folkvangr are located within Asgard

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