Darth Aeqour - Productions and Logistics Character in Eradun System | World Anvil
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Darth Aeqour - Productions and Logistics

Name: Darth Aequor

Age: Mid-50’s

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Species: Nautolan


“My whole family were slaves to the Empire. My parents, my grandparents even, but we were valued for our ways to move within the waters. I remember when my grandmother would weave baskets and nets from kelp stalks and I couldn't help but notice how she carefully made use of every part of the plant. How she was careful to set up the framework and then spin the leaves through it with such quick, nimble fingers. I see the way of commerce as such - one must know what they are working with, how to weave a strong foundation, and then enjoy placing the rest as they see fit.” - Darth Aequor


Born into the Empire as a slave, this Nautolan endured the hardships of labor for the Empire until he was discovered to be Force sensitive in his pre-teen years. Like many other slaves who were found with Force sensitivity, he was hauled off to Korriban. There, he survived many hardships, but managed to pass the trials given to him.


His knack for understanding business and the flow of currency helped him to navigate the cruel and unjust xenophobia he faced. Knowing who to blackmail and bribe, he was able to stave off the many “accidents” that commonly occurred during trials.


Upon passing his trials, he was picked up by a Lord who had become aware of his cunning deals and helped train him within the Sphere of Logistics.


During Zakuul's invasion of the Galaxy, he lost his Master but quickly rose through the ranks with his clever tactics to move credits and resources around without Zakuul being aware.


His efforts helped to start freeing planets from Zakuul's grasp, which is what eventually earned him his Darth title.


Now with the war against the Republic back in full swing, Darth Aequor has been tasked not with helping on the front, but with helping to untangle ‘stuck resources’ that are tied up in tricky situations.


One such resource is Cahnsu.


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