Era Capital City Settlement in Era | World Anvil
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Era Capital City

A bright, vibrant city, looking like the future, at the center of the continent. Split in two by the river. The moon and Rune shine brightly over the city as night falls, bringing with it the sense that everything is magical and alive. The night does nothing to slow down the fast-pace of the Capitol of the world. Everyone here is affected by magic in some way. The pharmacies and grocery stores are run by Nature Witches, theater troupes of Mythos, and Humans milling about the city. This is the magic of Era's Capitol.


49% Humans, 45% Witches, 6% Mythos 54% Female, 46% Male (Other demographics coming soon for the Generational Census.)


Emperor Jordan Kand and his wife, Empress Alliana Worthingwood Kand rule the entire continent with the help of a large council. Members include Camitria Sandoval Marshall and Dennis Marshall, Iris Ascelin, Vera Kallis, Ethan Larsen, and Wickan Quiror. Former and excommunicated members include Josiah Sandoval and Ulyssa Tallingham. Taxes are kept to a minimum, as there is no true national debt, and the trade economy is well stimulated. Taxes are used to build governmental buildings and pay the council members and other governmental positions.


Having the greatest military presence of any other city, Era's Capital is very well defended and ready for any emergency.


Large, shiny, white buildings can be seen on over street, intermixed with more vintage buildings of tan stone, wood, or other materials. In each sector, there is a power plant run by Light Witches who manipulate the sunlight to come in through the windows at the exact right placement onto solar panels to bring optimal power to the whole city. Many tradesmen and tradeswomen live across the city, each contributing their time and talents to the city to provide beautiful pastries, metalworking, buildings, artwork, and more.


There are four major sectors, each relating to the major cardinal directions. Those sectors are divided into two, a Central and an Outer sector. The Central sectors are primarily for trade and business, while the outer sectors are primarily for housing. The Northern Sectors are primarily for governmental and nobles, the eastern sectors are more for trading and merchants, the western sectors are for business and innovation, and the southern sectors are for the basic needs of the people and almost completely dedicated to housing and quality of life.


Before the installation of the ruling couple, Era was only controlled by a weak council of nobles and the haven for riots and anarchy. The sectors were originally designated as gang territory and controlled by those groups. When the Undergrounders emerged and the council instilled Jordan and Alliana Kand as the ruling couple, there was quite a bit of backlash from some groups while others wholeheartedly accepted the new control and peace that the Underground rulers brought with them.

Points of interest

The Capital Building is a wonderful example of blending the new and old, while Unity Station displays the splendor of the olden days, and the Council Estate is a beauty of the modern day.
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