Swimming Moonlight Lake Geographic Location in Era of Ecstasy and Darkling | World Anvil
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Swimming Moonlight Lake

Describe a natural body of water that has become a popular spot to swim in.


There is a stream of water that is Moonlight Lake. The stream glows from the moonlight and its a stream of water that has sand on the bottom and the trees are hiding the stream. At the Moonlight Lake there are areas that you can jump off into the water off of a rock that the stream is wider. The water color is a light blue and glowing on the bottom of the river.   Where the stream turns into a pond like area there are a rope swing and cliffs to jump off of. There is a beach next to the water to lounge.


the water changes tempature to a swimming tempature where people can handle getting in. Also the water glows.

Fauna & Flora

The plants that are surrounded by the Moonlight Lake is tall trees and little purple flowers.   The animals that live near the land of Moonlight Lake is mystical fishes and little fantasy animals like baby dragons,fairies and sea horses with stingrays that cant grow and stay babies

Natural Resources

the recorces from the Moonlght lake is all of the animals and the flowers and leaves around the Moonlight lake. The wood from the trees and the honey from the bark.

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