Supernatural Birthday in Era of Ecstasy and Darkling | World Anvil
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Supernatural Birthday

The holiday ion Mystic City is Supernatural Birthday. The supernatural birthday is that day that you got your supernatural powers.   When it's your Supernatural Birthday you celebrate it with food and dancing. The people of the town makes your supernatural birthday a big thing as they will set it set up food and games and the party is at night.   The supernatural birthday person is escorted out of the town so they can set up the party. There are games where you use your supernatural powers and there are games thatr you don't use your powers.   The food of the celebration is a potluckwhere all the guest of the celebration brings a dish for the celebration. at the end of the celebration as they're eating cake they sing a celebration song in their language Ennati. the birthday person is gifted one present   "happy supernatural birthday." singing it in their language Ennati

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