power in Era of Ecstasy and Darkling | World Anvil
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There are two types of power the first power of the world is the kingdom of control. The other kingdom is the power of elemental power as people from this kingdom have elemental powers and other sorts. The people who live in this kingdom is the weaker people. The unpopular kingdom has very little resources. The elemental and animal kingdom has power over people that are the same as them.   The power of the magical fantasy world is uneven with the higher upper class people having control and the lower class having a power over people that are alike that is different with the magical people.   The power of the magical people are all different they each find out their powers at seperate times but they have to be hidden. The magical powers are the power of elements.   There are two kingdoms the two kingdoms are in war. The two kingdoms have people in each that know each other but hate each other. The one kingdom is a kingdom of power and the second kingdom is a kingdom of magical and ghostly   The magic can't be exposed because people on the same earth think its wrong and think that people who have powers are going to hell. The humans think less of people with powers due to them being different than the humans that has no powers or any species.

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Jun 4, 2023 04:18

i wonder why the powers have to be hidden?