Frontier: Whimsical Royal Forest/Moonlight River in Era of Ecstasy and Darkling | World Anvil
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Frontier: Whimsical Royal Forest/Moonlight River

There are two seperate towns one called HollowMalefic and the other town called Mystic City.   HollowMalefic is in a flat land feild with a stone castle and an unground tunnel like jail. The people of HollowMalefic are pure human.   There is the Whimsical Royal Forest on the malefic side.   Mystic city is a town on clouds. the town is covered in clouds all around it, In the mystic town is a ton of tiny houses made from wood on one side of the town and on the other side of the small town is a bench with a firepit next to it.   The places between HollowMalefic and Mystic City is a forest and a river Whimsical Royal forest and Moonlight River. The Whimsical Royal Forest is a magical forest where it can notice who is magical or not. The Whymsical forest leaves are all diffewrent colors and the bark of the tree lights up. The trees are tall and the leaves are big. The forest is lit up by mason jars of fireflies. The Moonlight river is an icy blue color with a dark shadow look to it. The Moonlight river has crystals hanging from the trees. with gold dust raining down from the trees.

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