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May 11th, 211 EotA

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Welcome to the Era of the Awakened

Become an individual blessed with awesome powers

211 years ago, seemingly without cause, a small percentage of the population gained spectacular powers
These people were called the Awakened
Their appearance and abilities could vastly differ from normal humans
Awakened are rated on a scale from E (weakest) to S (strongest)
These ratings are observable with special devices, though they are rare
Some Awakened cannot be classified for whatever reason
Only the NAO-PHRD is authorized to hold onto these devices


The National Administration Office of Post Human Research and Development
Government branch dealing with Awakened
Typically referred to as the "Guild"
All Awakened are required to register with the Guild after Awakening
All contracts dealing with otherworldly phenomenon go through them as well
All Clans are founded through the authorization of the Guild


Adventurer Guild based campaign with a series of Clans and Cities all mashed together in a small island nation
Noble Clans are the greatest source of power and prestige for Awakened
Minor Clans vie for territory and buy what quests they can from the Guild
Unaligned Awakened attempt to revert to their normal life or resort to banditry
All Awakened are drawn to close the portals regardless of Clan ties


Terrifying holes ripping through reality that threaten the peace and prosperity of the people of Eordia
Lead to small pocket dimensions filled with monsters, traps and looooooot
If not closed within a short time, they release their denizens to wreak havoc
Seemingly respawning enemies if the Nexus is not destroyed


Terrifyingly strong foes or containers of vast energy, they are seemingly inside every portal
Once the Nexus is defeated, the portal will close soon

Eordia has 3 Followers



Dungeons & Dragons 5e


Dungeons & Dragons 5e