The Song of the Son Myth in Eochora | World Anvil
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The Song of the Son

The Song of the Son is a piece of orchestral music originally composed by Tahatan in -785 EC for the sixth scene in act 2 of Poloma's -802 EC musical Heir of Sin. Its easily recognizable theme has helped it attain an iconic status even in modern Ethactic culture, where it has been covered and rearranged by many artists.
  The song continues the story of Nastas and his father Tokala, the two main characters of Heir of Sin. It begins with Nastas confronting Tokala for abandoning him for the past decade, with intense drum beats and rapid violin strikes. The music exemplifies Nastas' anger, but when Tokala responds, the music changes to a more sorrowful tone. Tokala deeply apologizes to his son, and reveals that a devil has come to collect Tokala's soul. Nastas' anger subsides as he realizes this is the last chance he will see his father, and Tokala says his only regret is that his other, younger children will not have the chance that Nastas has been given. At the climax of the song, the devil arrives, and Nastas offers his own soul in place of his father's. In his last moments, Nastas says that he made this choice not for Tokala, but for his brothers and sisters who deserve to see their father again. The song concludes with the devil capturing Nastas' soul. The third act of the play continues with Tokala's journey to find all of his other children. Together, they find an angel who frees Nastas' soul from the devil.
  One additional factor in its popularity was Noya's rearrangement of Heir of Sin, in which the play proceeds identical to the original until the climax. Every viewer of the play was expecting the bold sacrifice of Nastas, but instead, he stands by silently as the devil takes Tokala's soul. The third act of the play mirrors the original, but instead Nastas finds each of his siblings, and together they travel into the Charred Dominion to confront the devil directly. This controversial performance led to many debates over which choice was the correct one for Nastas, and more than a few bloody bar fights started due to these debates. Today, both versions are hugely popular across Bruidan and Estaria, and which version will be performed is always a closely guarded secret. One particular production company, The Gilded of Keylell, claims that even none of their members know which version the actor will choose until the decisive line is spoken.
  [Tokala]: Son, my failure is clear, yet I am glad you are near. Now I only regret from your siblings being away, and nothing will keep this devil at bay. Your determination has no debate, and now I go to my fate.
  [Nastas, original]: From my life you have been missing, and because of your choices this devil stands here hissing. Go, see my sister and brother, and let this devil take the other. Love has taken control as I forfeit my soul.
  [Nastas, alternate]: From my life you have been missing, and because of your choices this devil stands here hissing. I will go to my sister and brother, for this devil will not take another. I have no control, since you must forfeit your soul.

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