The Evils of Elementalism Myth in Eochora | World Anvil
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The Evils of Elementalism

Consistent invasion and destruction originating in the elemental planes has led to a deep-seated superstition among most peoples of Western Eochora. Except for the notable exceptions of Sharynnuur, Ethax, and Scylevoral, most nations have limitations or outright bans on the practice of elemental magic. People recognize the practical use and natural origin of elemental forces, but they should be avoided when possible. Civilization is the creation of societies free from the corruption and chaos of the elements. The primary forces opposed to civilization are the four elemental gods: Burasil, God of Water, Gaxione, God of Earth, Hephine, and Wuheia. Each rules over a hell deep within the corresponding plane, and each seeks to spread its power through all planes of existance.

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