Emulism Organization in Eochora | World Anvil
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By far the most common faith, any type of person can find a home in Emulism. This is because Emulism is more a collection of faiths than a single, codified doctrine of belief. The primary teaching of Emulism is that each person has a spiritual connection to a specific god, and must attempt to follow that god's teaching to the best of their ability. However, there is no surefire way to determine which god you should emulate, and choosing the wrong god is the worst sin you can commit. Also, many people use emulism as an excuse to get away with terrible deeds, because the gods of suffering, obsession, and foolishness often ask for strange practices. Emulism only officially recognizes sixteen gods, however. Any besides these are "demons" that pretend to be gods but instead lead people away from the gods.

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