Geret Species in Enthalpy | World Anvil
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Who were the geret and why did they leave?

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Based on the ruined structures it is safe to say the geret are more intelligent than the imported.

Civilization and Culture


The geret, while mysterious; there's no evidence as to where they are or why they left the planet.    Many theories involve the race were dying and need to pass on their genes before they succumb. It would make the most sense considering the sudden abandonment of the planet. However it doesn't explain the stoors and why their alive. Perhaps the place was a prison for them and hoped the stoors died in captivity. No evidence even involves any sort of containment even for a creature that massive.   The only hint that would tell who they were are the elements both drakains and dragons alike held. With that kind of hint the geret are or were elemental in some forms.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While the mysterious geret used the stoors to make dragons. It is unclear as to how or why they did it.
Genetic Descendants

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