Aequitas Settlement in Endimia | World Anvil
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Aequitas Is the sprawling metropolis that is the capital of the Dominion Of Maridia.
Visitors of Aequitas see a giant city both grand and majestic, characterized by towering spires, sweeping arches, and intricate detailing. The predominant style combining classical influences with ornate designs. Grand buildings featuring marble facades, domed roofs, and elegant balconies. Plentifull ornamental carvings, stained glass windows, and intricate mosaics depicting historical events are a common sight throughout the city.
  Structurally the city is built around the Sunspire, the residence of the Emperor surrounded by serveral districts seperated by defensive walls, each built at a time of expansion of the city, the innermost circles containing the the most historical buildings becoming proceedingly newer as you travel outwards.


The city of Aequitas has 5 main walls of which the innermost and outermost play the most significant roles, namely guarding entry to the city proper and the Sunspire.
That said all 5 of the walls are manned and guarded 24/7 by the well trained guard of the city. All over the walls one can find defensive fortfications such as balistaeto provide cover to both sides of each wall

Industry & Trade

While being the center of the Empire in terms of most things from art to craftmanship to religion its main export similarly to the Dominion in general is its agricultural products cultivated in the rich green fields surrounding the sprawling capital. The fields surrounding the city alone are said to be able to feed half the population of the empire as a whole.


1. Sunspire District:
Located at the heart of Aequitas, the Sunspire District houses the magnificent Sunspire Palace, where the Emperor resides. This opulent structure is adorned with golden accents, grand arches, and intricate carvings, representing the pinnacle of architectural splendor in all of the Dominion.
2.Justice Row:
Situated in the 1st ring next to the Sunspire District, Justice Row is home to the Dominion's legal institutions, including the administrative and headquarters of all three of the ruling councills in the Hall of Strength, Piety and Progress. Also located in this ring is the Hall of Justicia. This imposing building features marble pillars and a grand entrance, symbolizing the strength and integrity of the Dominion's justice system. Here, the Justicar Order oversees trials and mete out judgments to any of the populace who find themselves charged of a crime.
3.Verdant Gardens & Temple Quarters:
The Verdant Gardens & Temple Quarters, located in the 2nd ring provide a serene escape from the bustling city. This district features beautifully landscaped gardens, fountains, and lush greenery intertwined with temples to most gods commonly known by the people. It is a place for contemplation, meditation, and relaxation with many intricate bridges and roads leading into the 1st circle of the city.
4.Artisan's Haven & Ironforge Marke:
The 3rd ring of the city is sufficiently large to house a dual district, with quite a bit of blending towards the borders of the two districts the western side of the ring is composed of Artisan's Haven, the culture district of the city. Here you can find many a poet, painter or sculptor. The most creative minds fromm all over the lands gather here to match their abilities, cooperate on masterpieces or simply revel in the artistic nature and uplifting energy and nightlife of the district.
The Ironforge market located on the east side of this ring features a similar focus on craftsmanship but with a more utilitarian philosophy. Clanging of metal can be heard from the early hours of the day as the blacksmiths tirelessly pound their hammers on the unrelenting iron used for everything from swords to nails, One can smell the exotic fragrances in the air from the numerous alchemists producing potions for their clientelle, Wizards scribing away at parchement creating papers capable of the impossible and the loud merchants peddeling relics and antiques from the very streets. Any gear one can fanthom can be made here for the right price.
5. The Outer District:
The Outer District is the umbrella name for everything inside of last and 4rth ring of the city. This part of the contains the bulk of the populace of the city due to its affordable housing. This district is particularly diverse depending on how far one strays from the main roads leading further in. While directly adjacent to these roads it will look no different to the 3rd ring of the city there is a noticeable difference as you stray further away, ratched housing, sprawling labyrinths of thin alleyways where one does not want to be found alone if unfamiliar and secretive markets where the more exotic customer might find the goods they're looking for.
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