Berbercane's Finest Item in Endais | World Anvil
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Berbercane's Finest

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It is a whiskey distilled from the fruit of a rare cactus in Aolakul named a Kakaki Barrel. It is distilled in a cellar in a moxpeat swamp in a peninsula towards the southwest. It is hand crafted through secret techniques and traditions known only to the Berbercane family. A bottle of Finest is a minimum of 12 year blend. A bottle of Berbercanes, even low year blends that are considered "below quality" are extremely expensive and a straight shot could knock the melanin off a drow elf.


It is an experience that transcends warfronts and national borders. Not everyone is a drinker, but when a bottle of Berbercane's is in the room, you can't afford to not try.
It is a rare delicacy that few can afford.
A standard 12 oz bottle weighs 400g
Base Price
Prices vary, but it is regularly accepted that an ounce of Berbercanes costs around 15 gold, with standard bottles being 12 ounces.

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