Zharen He Museum of Communication Building / Landmark in Enaros | World Anvil

Zharen He Museum of Communication

by SeraphRDM

Purpose / Function

This buiding is a museum featuring the history of communication, including a bunch of old relics from the Earthens who arrived 400 years ago. These are designed to show the past of communication as well as the future of communication.


People who visit this museum are typically children, tech people, or people who love visiting museums. A lot of people especially enjoy examining and looking at the old Earthen communication technology.

Founding Date
346 Scientific Era

Museum Relics

Please read all of this in Don Wildman's voice.
Earth's Oldest Smartphone

It is a device that is approximately 4.5 inches tall and 2.4 inches long, and 0.46 inches deep. It has a black, cracked 'screen' of approximately 3.5 inches. The back of it is also black, but has old scuffmarks that show a silver metal underneath the paint. On the back of it there is a white apple with a bite taken out of it.

It is the original iPhone, launched in 2007 Earth Time. It was the first pure touch screen product of its time. It is said magic tech creators in the late 300s utilized the old design to create Enaros's first device of similar capabilities.

Enaros's Carrier Owl

It is a taxidermied animal of approximately 1.5 feet tall. It has beautiful, brown-and-white feathers, green eyes. Its talons are holding a piece of parchment rolled up with a ribbon with writing on the outside in ancient Iucharian. Its wings are outstretched and one can observe the owl was built for speed, as its wings are short and pointed.

This owl played a critical role in the early 00s of the Scientific Era. Her name was Magony, and she carried messages to and from the Ph'tani continent after the arrival of humans. She made sure the initial integration of the humans would go well, providing direction and help from other countries during this time period.

The First Nharacomm

Additional information to come

First Palm-Comm

More information to come

Old Earth Powerline Model

More information to come


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Aug 16, 2023 00:13 by Desdemona Rose

It's always interesting to find worlds with something that sort of parallels mine, but with its own uniqueness. I also have a museum with Earth artifacts, though I haven't written the article for it yet. However, it's the Earthian History Museum, it's not focused only on communication. My favorite thing in mine is a Toothless toy, though they have it labeled as "polyurethane dragon," since they also don't have plastics like we do.   Your museum art is cute and, as I've said, I really like how you laid out your site. It looks great.

Aug 16, 2023 01:50 by Seraph Abell

I didn't realize we had parallels like that :D Nice!   omg that sounds so cute!   Thank you, Des!

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.