Vasudevopoulos' Incident Plot in Empire of a Thousand Sunsets | World Anvil
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Vasudevopoulos' Incident

In a stuffy classroom in the Imperial Academy, the cadets are conversing amicably as the Imperial Tutor strides into the room . . . .

Imperial Tutor (GM): Settle down, settle down. Settle Down!   *class quietens*   Imperial Tutor (GM): Greetings cadets! I am Poov-Stratgos Varunomachos and I will be your tutor in regards to your lectures on Specialist Squad tactics, as you all have been recommended based on your exemplary abilities and examination results from last year, there will be high expectations from all of you. Now let us all introduce ourselves:   *Cadets (PCs) introduce themselves, Greek-Hindu sounding names will get a non-commital nod, anything else will get a startled and disapproving look.*   Imperial Tutor (GM): I see some of you have high opinion of themselves as I will have to indulge in your ridiculous nicknames. Let us continue with today's topic and most important aspect of small squad tactics and that is adaptability and imagination. For this concept we will use the infamous Vasudevopoulos' Incident raid, let us look at it in more depth . . . .


  The youngest daughter of the prominent noble guild house Vasudevopoulos needs to be rescued from a bandit headquarters, which are located within the Western Marshes amid an ancient ruined site, believed to be from the mythical Eternal War period.  


  The scanerio focuses on the military expedition of Imperial Marsh Sweep of 1201 ADA whose purpose was diminishing and clearing various bandit lairs, camps and warbands from the Western Marshes. This was a response to the increasing criminal and pillaging activity from the inhabitants of the marshes onto Imperial territories and citizens. In the final stages of the expedition, the notorious Viper and his bandit gang made a daring raid and kidnapped the youngest daughter of the raisng star noble house Vasudevopoulos; whilst in transit to the summer retreat town of Aristanikai.  

Members of Recon Squad



Frontline fighter armed with a short spear and round shield, like the Cliff Tribes of old. These Imperial warriors break the charge of all of the Empire's foes.
Short Spear (Piercing)
Leather Studded Armour (12 AC)
Large Round Sheild (3 AC, -1 Movement)
Enclosed Helm (3 AC, -1 Perception)
Sheild Bash: Bashes sheild forward causing Blunt damage.
Encouragement: Gives 1 Ally party member +2 Damage on next round.


Standard infantryman of the Imperial forces. Time tested and highly trained, he is at home both on land and at sea.
Short Sword (Piercing & Slashing)
Leather Padded Armour (11 AC)
Square Sheild (2 AC, -1 Movement)
Open Helm (2 AC)
Quick Dash: Launches a jump attack to surprise the enemy. +2 Damage, +1 Intiative
Counter Parry (Passive): All attacks directed at the Marine, gives the Marine a counter roll which success gives an addtional attack round.



Provides first aid treatment for the Imperial Army on the field, but don't be mistaken this are hardy men accomstomed with blood.
Axe-Hammer (Blunt)
Leather Armour (10 AC, +1 Movement)
Open Helm (2 AC)
Bandages (5)
Alcohol flask (3)
Bind Wound: Heals 1 Ally (if adjacent) a portion of HP
Break n Amp: 2 stage attack with the hammer side (Blunt) & Axe side (Slashing). If both attacks success, roll for instant amputation of limb.
Firebomb: Use Bandage (1) & Alcohol flask (1) to create a thrown firebomb (Fire)


Agile and quick to exploit a weakpoint with a swift shot. Slingers are the sharpshooters of the Imperial Army.
Sling (Blunt)
Small Strapped Buckler (1 AC)
Padded Vest (5 AC, +3 Movement, +1 Dexterity)
Padded Cap (1 AC, +1 Perception)
Climbing Hooks (Piercing)
Quick Shot: Fires a rapid salvo of 3 shots in 1 round.
Climb: Can climb any vertical structure (Dexterity Check). Attacks at height gain additional +2 Damage.


Karmaic System

  The world of the Empire of a Thousand Sunsets has a religously magical system based on the concept of Karma and the prayers to various Karmaic Gods. When inhabitants undertake various significant actions or decisions, they give a mantra to the particular Karmaic God they wish to gain approval and a blessing to ensure that they can fuflil such a request.   The depth and intention of actions and decisions is related to how particularly devoted you are to each of the Karmaic Gods and also the overall Karmaic Status that you have, these findings are collectively called the Karmaic Influences.



Opening: Find the Seeker Scout

  It is near dawn and you are about to enter battle, your squad is charged with the successful rescue of a prominent Guild Trade House leader's youngest daughter. The other squads; forming part of the rapid response battalion of the Dawn Guard, will engage the main entrance to the bandits lair, at sunrise. However, first your captain has ordered you to find the scout from the Ouran Laha Seekers Guild, as you swat away the flies and mosquitos you curse the fact that the bandits prefer to operate from the almost impassible depths of the Western Marshes and like all Sweep campaigns, it has been a dragged out campaign with high attrition from casulties and disease.   Up ahead you hear a blood-curdling shout followed by a piercing shriek, you waddle and splash through the marshy waterlogged mud and push past the reeds and willow branches, your first sight is a young man lying on the ground blood streaming down the left hand side of his face and clutching his side. Then, crashing through the undergrowth and freezing your blood, appears a fully grown Mud Newt.  

Mud Newt

Crippling Bite - DEX check. Failure -1 DEX
5% Poison Resistance
5% Cold Resistance
3% Physical Resistance
Existing Monster Recommendations: Giant Toad/Giant Frog/Giant Salamander. GM can adjust the level and stats for the Mud Newt.
Loot: Newt Hide (2), Newt Raw Meat (2). Newt Claw (1) [50% chance drop].
Other Information: Mud Newts

Guardian AlignmentDevotion TitleModifiers
God of Honesty - Guardian of FaunaDedicatedDC +2
God of Discipline - Guardian of WaterDedicatedWIS +2
God of Authority - Guardian of DeathFollowerCHA +1
God of Pride - Guardian of the Earth and RockFollowerDEX +1
GM Notes:   After the party has defeated the Mud Newt you check on the young man lying on the ground. He informs you that he is Seeker that is tasked to report into the three scout outpost that the Battalion Captain has placed to observe the Bandit Camp.   *Gives crude map to party.   He then charges you to complete his orders and report back to Battalion Forward HQ with the scouts findings.

Phase 1: Scouting out the Bandit Base

Scout Outpost #1   Scout leader is standing very close and aggressively pointing at a Swamp Merchant and towards the Bandit Base.   As the party approaches, you hear the Swamp Merchant gesturing at his raft cart pulled by docile giant flightless Lake Fowl, and pleading to the Scout Leader that he has nothing to do with the Bandits as he is a loyal imperial merchant, and that he is heading East towards the trade town of Vythmenpoli at the edge of the Western Marshes.   Resolve conflict by interrogating the Merchant, deduce with saving throws the following information:  
  • Merchant's origin and role.
  • Merchant's alliegences.
  • Merchant's destination.
  • Any information on the surrounding area.
  •   GM Notes
    Merchant's True answers:   Origin and Role is true, however he is part of a seditionist movement to gain more automany for the innocent inhabitants of the Western Marshes; farmers, merchants, etc.   His destination is true, however as well as trade he is aiming to meet up with various groups that hope to create a coalition to gain more support and resources from the local populace.   There are ruins nearby (Scout Outpost #3) that has a secret passage that runs straight to the abadoned shrine inside the Bandit Base.   If the Swamp Merchant is detained you gain access to his goods as loot [Minor Healing (2), Antidote (2), Frog Meat (3), Blowdart (1) and Dart Ammo (20)].   If not then you gain a set of 4 potions from a secret compartment under his raft cart; Draught of Concealment (1), Elixir of Brute Force (1), Potion of Far Sight (1) and Potion of Fleeting (1).
                                After the interrogation, you inform the Scout Leader your decision; Scout Leader will inform the Battalion Commander of your assistance.   Scout Leader: I also interrogated a bandit scout that we captured earlier today, and he provide useful information on the layout of the base inside.   *Gives Bandit Base layout map   He will also inform you that the Main Entrance is heavily guarded.    
    Scout Outpost #2   You arrive at a scene of carnage, the sight and stench of blood is everywhere.   Yet there are no bodies. As you look through the debris you come accross scout reports that indicate that the surrounding areas are home to Mud Newt lairs and Shadow Leech swarms.   There is a path marked out that will take you around through the safe areas but would require you to immediately attempt to enter the Bandit Base by the Back Entrance.   GM Notes
    Perception check will reveal a nearby Mud Newt lair, with 2 fully grown Mud Newts. Additional Loot: Newt Egg (A lurcative item to sell to collectors. Beware! If broken will arose any Mud Newt in the vicinity to go into a rage.)   If defeated, you find a Wounded Scout whom informs you there is a more direct safe route through the marsh to Back Entrance that will still give the Party more time to scout out the Bandit Base as planned.   The Wounded Scout after recovery will inform the Battalion Caption of your actions.
    Scout Outpost #3   As you approach the outpost located within some kind of ruins, you notice a faint floral scent in the air, and the eerie quietness of it all. In the middle of outpost there is a large orchid shaped flower holding a glowing bulb in its centre.   Surrounding the area you notice that there are 4 sleeping forms wrapped around with vines that originate from the large orchid.   Within the squad, a volunteer is selected and slow approaches the glowing bulb.   It takes 5 slow steps to get in front of the bulb and you rip out the bulb and the orchid plant wither away.   Tentatively the remaining sleeping forms awaken and recover themselves. A scout approaches and thanks the party and enquiries on what is your purpose.   After explaining your purpose, she informs you that as well as the Main and Back Entrance to the Bandit Base, there is a Maintance Hatch where the sewerage grate is located on the North side.   GM Notes
    As the Party volunteer approaches stealthily the bulb pulses in the dim light, saving throw check is throw after each step.   If successful, nothing happens and volunteer can continue moving closer to the bulb.   If failure, then the plant detects movement and proceeds to tighten its vines and crush one of the sleeping forms to death.   If all scouts are killed then the Party will not know about the Refuse Channel.   If you know about the secret passageway from the ruins to the shrine in the Bandit Base then this can be one of the options on how to enter.
      Travelling between Outposts   Travelling within the Western Marshes is dangerous and so when going between Outposts and Forward Base Camp there is a chance to encounter Shadow Leech swarms.   GM Notes

    Shadow Leeches

    Puncture: 10% chance victim gains the Bleed status.
    Revulsion: 10% on hit victim gains the Fear status.
    5% Necrotic Resistance
    3% Physical Resistance
    Existing Monster Recommendations: Swarm of Rot Worms (but without the effects). GM can adjust the level and stats for the Shadow Leeches.
    Loot: None
    Other Information: Shadow Leeches

    Guardian AlignmentDevotion TitleModifiers
    God of Honesty - Guardian of FaunaDedicatedDC +2
    God of Discipline - Guardian of WaterDedicatedWIS +2
    God of Authority - Guardian of DeathFollowerCHA +1
    God of Pride - Guardian of the Earth and RockFollowerDEX +1
    Party Decision: How to enter Bandit Base from the knowledge gained from the Scouts.
      GM Notes
    Main Entrance (Known) - Heavily Guarded [6-8 Bandits.] + 2-3 Adolescent Mud Newts (Scout Leader - Scout Outpost #1).   Back Entrance (Unknown) - Lightly Guarded [3-4 Bandits] (Wounded Scout - Scout Outpost #2).   Maintenance Gate (Unknown) - Very Lightly Guarded [1 Bandit] (Saved Scout - Scout Outpost #3).   Secret Passage (Unknown) - Not Guarded [No Bandits] (Swamp Merchant True Answers - Scout Outpost #1).

    Phase 2: Entering the Bandit Base and rescuing the kidnapped daughter.

        The party enters the choosen route and intiates combat (if required), the bandits are comprised of a combination of the following bandit types:    

    Bandit Guard

    Typical Marshman gone lower by resorting to plundering and pillaging within Imperial domain.
    Heavy Fishing Spear (Piercing & Slashing)
    Padded Jacket (10 AC, +1 Movement)
    Round Wicker Shield (2 AC)
    Sheildwall: If 3 or more Guards are present then they lock sheilds and the middle Guard cannot be attacked. Other Guards get additional attack roll (from the assisting middle Guard).
    Sheild Thrust: Guard locks shield and thrusts with his spear +1 Attack & +1 AC. -1 Movement & -1 Perception.

    Bandit Hunter

    Marshman hunter that uses their skills to enact vengence on Imperial Citizens.
    Hunting Darts (5) (Piercing)
    Skinning Claw (Slashing)
    Tunic (5 AC, +1 Movement)
    Patience Throw: Throws a Hunting Dart precisely that causes a critical roll, victim needs a successful roll check to prevent damage.
    Stealth (Passive): +2 dodge rolls


    Bandit Scout

    Ears and Ears of any army. Bandits also need to know when trouble is approaching them.
    Blowdart (Piercing)
    Light Fishing Spear (Piercing & Slashing)
    Vest (2 AC, +3 Movement, +2 Dexterity)
    Sure-footed (Passive): No terrain penalties.
    Poison Dart: Fires a poison tipped dart.
    Flurry: 3 quick thrusts with the spear.

    Bandit Enforcer

    Brutish and ruthless these Enforcers keep everyone else in line, on the behest of their feared Leader.
    Heavy Club (Blunt)
    Leather Armour (12 AC)
    Round Wicker Shield (2 AC)
    Threaten: All nearby allies get a +1 attack roll and nearby enemies get -1 Armour.
    Rage:Double attack rolls for 2 rounds, 3rd round needs to rest (No Attacks, -2 CON).
    Sheild Throw: Throws sheild in wide arc, saving roll DEX. +4 Blunt damage.

      GM Notes
    If the Party uses the secret passage, then the Common Hall is currently empty and can hear jeers and hoots of laughter from the Main Entrance as a Mud Newt brawl has commenced.
                    After entering the Bandit Base proper, you look at the Bandit Base layout, given to you by the Scout Leader:  
    Bandit Base
        Party needs to decide how to get to where the kidnapped daughter might be and also the best way to avoid detection as you sneak around the Bandit Base.     GM Notes
    There are several guards posted around the base, the party can use a saving throw roll to determine if:  
  • The Guard is asleep.
  • Throw a pebble to distract the Guard.
  • The Guard is looking the other way.
  • Rush upon the Guard and incapcipate him.
  •               After locating the Bandit Jail, you have to contend with the Bandit Jailer and 2-3 Bandit Enforcers.  

    Bandit Jailer

    Brutish and ruthless these Enforcers keep everyone else in line, on the behest of their feared Leader.
    Spiked Heavy Chain (Blunt & Piercing)
    Studded Leather Armour (14 AC)
    Leather Cap (2 AC)
    Chain Sweep: Swings chain in a wide arc, saving throw DEX. +3 Blunt. Saving throw if hit by spikes +1 Piercing.
    Spiked Jabs: Wraps chains around knuckles, does a flurry of 3-5 blows. +1 Blunt & Piercing. -1 movement & -1 CON

      The Kidnapped Daughter is in a locked room, either you look through Jailor's Office, Pick the lock or Break the door.   When you get the Kidnapped Daughter free, you make your way towards the exit. However before you do the Bandit Leader, Viper appears with 3-4 bandits as his guards.  

    Viper (Bandit Leader)

    Quick, viscious and deadly like his namesake Viper has been a thorn in the Imperial side for several years now. Proving he has the cunning as well as skill to survive Marshland plots and betrayals.
    Heavy Fishing Spear (Piercing & Slashing)
    Padded Jacket (10 AC, +1 Movement)
    Chained Dagger (Piercing & Slashing)
    Duel wield (Passive): Every spear thrust, is followed by a off-hand throw of Chained Dagger -1 Attack
    Dodge (Passive): +2 DEX, +1 Movement
    Lightning Thrust: Two-handed thrust done in a blink of an eye, +2 Movement, +2 Piercing

    Plot type
    One Shot
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    Author's Notes

    Due to unforseeable circumstances, this article has not been the fully completed one-shot adventure I wished to show for this challenge and I wish to apologise. There are various aspect such as sheets for the available classes, enemies and items that could not be fully realised, this includes the more detailed custom-made maps, side quests and NPCs, epilogues and a more robust explanation on how my world's Karmaic system could be utilised into a TTRPG session. I will keep updating this article and I wish you all please review and give suggestions on improvements and tips on how to improve upon what I have so far. Much appreciated!

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