Guy Dudireuth Character in Eltoraal | World Anvil
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Guy Dudireuth

Guy Dudireuth (a.k.a. The Dude / Drunken Master / Shard Wanderer)


Family Ties

Guy (The Dude) was born to be the seventeenth ruler of the Erryn Kingdoms, formally styled as Guy of House Duderiuth, the First of His Name, Prince of the First High Elves, Lord of the Skies and Water, and Protector of the Realm. Informally styled as The Dude, His Dudeness, Duder, or Na Duderino.   He is the son of Adar Erandil Duderieth, King of Erryn Kingdoms, and Amil Voronwe Aradhel, Moonwatcher of the Northern Shores.   He is the only child and before his leaving he was to take a wife chosen by his parents and the council to align peace with another kingdom. Her name did not stick to his memory after leaving.   Vulmon Elecran was Warmaster for House Duderiuth during High Lord Hudagr, Guy's grandfather, and is the house teacher for Guy during his youth. He was a stout veteran, his face clearly seen battle, and wears his stoic face as if looking behind enemy lines on the battlefield perpetually. Guy remembers him speaking prophetically or was it threateningly, either way, he was one of the instruments in deciding to leave his kingdom. He was charismatic, yet fierce, when he persuades Guy there is a life of culture beyond these borders, and if he doesn't behave he will be thrown out to fend for himself. Guy always believed Vulmon wanted him harm, but could never find proof of any machinations against him. He was an intimidating figure in Guy's past.

Social Aptitude

He was trained by his Master Hedir RocRym, an ancient dwarvish man trained in the Martial Arts, and given Master titled by his kingdom. His popularity above his lifetime honing his skill as a very strict instructor proved true once he took out Guy's eye for being lazy and ignoring his teachings. Guy left immediately and fled the Feather's Stride Mountains where his temple sat on the peaks.

Guy Dudireth (The Dude), from the Shard, is believed to be low-born. Some loyalists who call him a pacifist, but there are few who have attempted to besmirch his name by calling him the Drunken Master.

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S2. I'm On A Dingy

I've crossed the threshold, man, from living on an island against my own will to 'borrowing' this boat with some dudes and dudettes and monster. Where will my travels take me now? I'm trying to understand myself, bro. I know I have thought of some things I didn't want to admit. I've wanted to cruise through life in bliss and happiness. Like stuff won't bother me, you know? Visually, I see it like a nice chill boat taking on the waves that come, but really I'm on a dingy. Not chill to my deepest bones yet, but I will get there. I hope. Let dudeism complete me. From one high point to another, I will overcome and chill. Anyways, I was way too much into the finer things at this one cabin in the tundras, bro. Like, Dude, chill. It's just materials from the obscure and finest craftsmanship. Let it be soulless and enough to warm you. Shell, man. I fell for my past by living like a prince. Frack that bro. Sorry, I'm losing my train of thought. We travelled to the north where the Bearfolk hang, shacked up in a fancy fort, and a monster came through the door. Oh, no bro! Whatever shall we do?

S1. Dude, Where's My Freedom?

So, like, I arrived on this island with some other peeps, including this one human chick. She's hella weird. Anyways, we were unrighteously taken to this island place where people don't come back from, so here I'm thinking 'bummer'. Need not fear reader, the island's strategic infrastructure and security have some weak points and some, like, riots or battles broke out, and us prisoners were free to, like, hang. As in we got the shell outta there, man. I used my wicked rock climbing skills to escape the wooden walls and surfed my way down the rest of the way. My lady dudette didn't escape as swiftly as yours truly, but she's cool. We tried to 'borrow' a boat to get off this uncool island, but end up taking passage with some strange folks I've never seen before. Well, I've heard of one of them. Mindflayer, bro! Are we seafood on this cruise ship?   Shaw, naw bro, or how else would I be writing on these pair of undies?


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