State Ranking System in Elohi | World Anvil
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State Ranking System

For the purpose of organization, governments are broken down into 5 distinct categories based on their size, governance-type, and sovereignty respectively. These include: Settlements, Duchies, Burrows, Kingdoms, and Empires.  


An Empire is the highest ranking title available to a state; the Empire title is granted to those who have multiple Kingdoms, Duchies within their control. Empires usually have an overwhelming amount of land, power, influence and recognition beyond Kingdoms. To be considered an Empire, a state requires the direct control over several (3 or more) Kingdoms under its jurisdiction, and must be centralized without any type of sovereign autonomy to its controlled vassals.  


A Union is a type of Empire that is co-ruled by two or more states, what seperates it from a Confederation is its sovereign ties to a centralized leadership. Unions typically are like Confederations in that they appear to share power and offer sovereignty to the vassal states beneath it, however in reality a Union Empire is ruled almost entirely by a single Kingdom within it. Vassal states within a Union are prohibited from doing outside foreign diplomacy on their own behalf, are prohibited from having a strong independent military, and cannot challenge or dispute final decisions made by the lead state.  
(Some examples of Empires that are considered Unions are The British Empire and Austria-Hungary)


A Confederation is a type of Empire that is ruled by three or more states in a semi-autonomous fashion. States that exist in a Confederation-style of government typically have sovereignty over themselves for the most part, and only agree to cooperate with the rest of the Confederation due to legal, military, social or economic rammifications that could occur if they decide to opt out. Unlike a Union, states under a Confederation do have a limited degree of sovereignty and can often decide their own laws, conduct foreign diplomacy, the even mint their own currency.  
(Some examples of Empires that are considered Confederations are The Holy Roman Empire and The European Union)


A Federation is a type of Empire that is ruled by a single state, officially and unofficially, with vassal states adhering completely to the laws and jurisdiction of the central Federal authority. Federations typically don't allow vassal states to do foreign diplomacy, mint their own money, or create laws that conflict with their own. Federations do allow for trade and commerce among states themselves, however this is limited and governed over by the central federal government. While Federations are often multi-ethnic, it isn't necessarily a requirement, and more or less autonomous authority can be granted or limited by the Federation to its vassals depending on its government style.  
(Some examples of Empires that are considered Federations are The United States of America and The Russian Federation)


Unlike all other mentioned categories of Empires, the Superstate is by far the most unique and unlikely form of Empire that can exist conceptually. A Superstate is a defined homogenous, or near-homogenous, ethnic and cultural nation that is made up of only one centralized state authority without any major breakdown or delegation of much power. Superstates could be classified as Kingdoms or Duchies that have bloated to disproportional sizes, and, for this reason, are unlikely to function properly and efficiently. Only through very advanced and technocratic means are Superstate Empires possible to exist and require a large amount of administrative upkeep, and homogenous cultural/ethnic identity, to operate.  
(Some examples of Empires that are considered Superstates are The People's Republic of China and The Republic of India)


A Kingdom is the second-highest state ranking behind an Empire as a geopolitical entity. Kingdoms are states which exist as governing bodies over several (3 or more) Duchies, Burrows or Settlements. Kingdoms are typically ruled by a central authority figure, be it a Monarch, a Governor, a Senator or even an Oligarchy of some sort. Unlike Empires, Kingdoms do not have enough land, ethnicities, cultures, or regions to be considered a Federation, Confederation or Union. Thus, Kingdoms exist only as entities which are large regions ruled by central authorities.  


Burrows are a unique classification of government statehood presently only found in dagavirm culture. A Burrow is similar to that of a Settlement City-State, however has the tendency to grow and expand into the size of a Duchy, with the most successful Burrows becoming the size of Kingdoms in their own right. What makes Burrows a special classification is the unique size that they grow into, with some burrows being the size of multiple large capital cities while others only reaching the size of a small town. For this reason alone Burrows are technically classified as 'Ever-Expanding Settlements' that, in theory, could possibly one day reach the size qualifications to become an Imperial Superstate if left uncontested.   (The only comparable examples to Burrows would be Tokyo or Ant Supercolonies)  


Duchies are regional titles that belong to central figures of authority. Unlike a Kingdom, a Duchy is responsible for only one or two small sub-regions of land, and typically only contain one ethnic or cultural group within them. Duchies are usually ruled by Nobility, Governors, Judges, Committees or even Mayors if small enough.  






Settlements are the smallest and most basic forms of state government, with very little administrative upkeep or delgation of power due to its relatively miniscule size. Of course, Settlement governments include Cities, Villages, Tribes, Districts, Burrows, Colonies and Towns. With populations of Settlements being relatively smalled in comparison to the rest of the surrounding region it inhabits, settlements are regularly absorbed into larger nations or become Duchies / Burrows themselves given enough time and propserity.  




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