Borneda Settlement in Ellides | World Anvil
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Borneda, one of, if not the smallest officially recognized city, has its title of being a city thanks solely to its Borneda Tower, which is frequently used for high speed, long range commnunication. Essentially, they had just been fiddling around with how magic works, and they accidentally invented radio - nobody in the world still knows how it works or what it is, nor does anyone know what radio is. The original inventor of the tower made a few small boxes that he says his soul is in, and anyone can speak through the boxes at any time by using his soul, which is trapped in the tower. Borneda barely trades with anyone - they don't even have a market. Their only real source of income comes from people who want to use the tower, including several governments of different cities and countries.


Mostly Elvish, some Humans

Industry & Trade

Civilians in Borneda fend for themselves, apart from a few. Most citizens are hunters


Gold: 500 Production Power: 10 Army Power: 5


Borneda was made. People live there. This one dude built a big-ass tower. Nothing else about their history is even noteworthy.


A few people come several times a week to use the Borneda Tower to communicate with important people

Natural Resources

Abundances of fish, various plants, deer and bear hide, and a decent amount of iron and steel.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Tower City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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