Pusagila Species in Elios | World Anvil
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Pusagila (Poo Sa Gee La)

"They said that we are just going to climb to the top of the cliffs. Man I tell you that we were not prepared for what we saw when we reached the top.   Miles and miles of jagged rock face and huge flying beasts. I did not know if they were birds or flying cats, but they were beautiful.   I was about to turn back and climb back down the cliff when a huge white, feathered and furred beast landed in front of me. I am not sure what it smelled most, my fear or my shorts. It made a few clicks and then screeched so loud that I thought that my ears would burst.   I do not know what came over me, but I felt as though I should reach out my hand to touch it's beak. When my hand reached it, it closed it's eyes and began to purr....   That was the beginning of my friendship with Snowbird, that was 20 years ago...." -General Horatio Blackburn

Basic Information


The Pusagila look like and are essentially Gryphons. However, this is where the similarities end. A Pusagila can be of any combination of bird and feline. There have also been sightings of Pusagila that is part canine, lupin, equine and reptile.    

Biological Traits

Depending on the type and breed, Pusagila's can reach about 9 feet long, with a wingspan of about 30 feet. The average weight is about 900 lbs.  

Ecology and Habitats

Discovered in far off jungles, very high in sheer cliff mountains, where most humanoids are unable or unwilling to travel.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most hunt and eat live animals. Some will eat from a fallen carcass if they are hungry and can not find prey to kill. When prey is very scarce, they will eat berries, fruits and nuts.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Pusagila's tend to live in small flocks of around 15-20. There is always a clear dominate leader of the flock that leads until physically unable to. At this point, the next strongest will rise to lead the flock.


Pusagila's are not necessarily domesticated in the same sense as a beast of burden or a pet. They develop bonds and relationships with various humanoids. In nearly every case, if the leader of a flock bonds with someone, the entire flock will bond with that person as well and the people they have a relationship with.    
by Alex Alexandrov

Average Intelligence

Pusagila's are relatively intelligent creatures. They can learn to understand commands and communicate with each other as well through clicks, screeches and whistles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Pusagila has excellent sight, smell and hearing. While in the air, they can see for miles.
60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length

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Cover image: by Unknown


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