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Elikos (Old Version)

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It was on the world of Elikos where the gods laid their blessings, leading them and guiding them into a bright future.   But then, the Divine War broke, putting gods against each other. It wasn't after the death of Ankhtor, the neutral divine entity of magic, that the gods declared a truce, sealed by the creation of the Divine Worlds: places where each of the gods reigns supreme. But, with the death of Ankhtor, there was an empty realm.   As such, one human, Iustus, was ascended into godhood and he took the throne of Ankhtor. Yet, the blood of Ankhtor gave birth to something: it was this moment when Elkos first saw the use of magic in mortals. Yet, it was not a blessing for all. Some were able to control it; others were torn and transformed into creatures that range from the mighty dragons to the multi-phasic fharls.   Before departing, the gods separated all creatures with The Sundering; creating the four continents, Glissen, Aqnoq, Aghalia and Elsed. To masquerade the remains of the Dead God, a series of islands were risen and there were the dangers of the world hidden away; cast out for none to see except their guardians.   Yet one god stayed. As Iustus rose to godhood, from the quickly decaying remains of Ankhtor; another was born: the god of the dead, Mortis; the only god that roams the land, invisible and ready to reap the souls of the passing.   On their Divine Worlds, the gods accompanied by their most precious creations, for millennia, watched Elikos grow and prosper, strife and suffer; yet never directly intervene. Some infighting happened between them, as their squabbles were re-kindled even after the death of one of them. Not until the ascension of a mortal, claiming the title of The King of Thorns, that the gods decided to unite and return to the planet to stop this upstart god. Once they imprisoned him inside the Void Between Worlds, they erase the entire tenure of this individual from the minds of the inhabitants of Glissen, the continent where he governed, and returned to their worlds and squabbles, sure that the matter was settled forever.   300 years have passed since that incident; 300 years where, still, the acolytes of this god grew in number, waiting for the precise moment to strike. And now, after the bloodiest of ages has passed, the Void is starting to agitate.

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