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Once upon a time, in the world of Leragle, there was a King and Queen, and their daughter, the Princess. They lived happily in their palace, albeit the Princess was lonely at times, for she only had her Servant to interact with. Then, after a bout of violent illness that ravaged certain cities, noticeably, the more populated, the King and Queen died, leaving the Princess and Servant alone in the world. The Princess locked herself away in her room for a year, only allowing food and drink to be passed through a flap in the door, a self-imposed prison sentence, believing herself to be at fault, that there was more she could have done. Finally, when she emerged from her room, pale, clothes tattered, bleeding in places and old scars in others, she was determined, and so, accompanied by her Servant, she started scouring libraries and ancient scrolls, till she finally found it. Princess and Servant went to the royal graves, black book in hand, as Princess started reciting an ancient spell, envisioning her parents alive again, till lightning struck her, and her world went black. Upon awakening, Princess felt a strange detachment, a hollow void inside herself, and a power, new and unfocused, while Servant saw the physical changes, patches of ebony skin that gave way to patches of gleaming ivory bone, always moving, always mutating, roaming about her body, a physical embodiment of life and death.   Disgusted with how she looked, but awed by the awakening power inside herself, Princess and Servant went to the coast, and evoking her new powers, Princess raised a boat of bones from the ocean, and her and Servant traveled to a distant island in the northern sea. There, she descended into the ancient mausoleum, followed by Servant, and began her dark deeds. Slowly, starting with small animals, then moving on to larger, more complicated beings, and finishing with humans and larger beasts, she raised a myriad of undead, from skeletons, to ghosts, to wraiths, and even a lich. Pouring from the mausoleum, the undead traveled by boats raised by Princess to ravage the lands. However, this did not go unnoticed, and there was plenty of evidence left behind.   And so, the various magics of the world gathered, and started to learn and work together to rid themselves of this scourge. Some took an active approach, sending teams of paladins, clerics and fighters to destroy Princess, Servant and their horde of undead, but none returned. Some took a more passive approach, sending Bards and Druids to try a more peaceful approach, and tried to persuade, negotiate and intimidate the Princess to stop, yet, none of those returned. Finally, the Wizards, Warlocks and Sorcerers took a new approach, one both cautionary and forceful, instead deciding that, if the Princess couldn't be removed from the world, then they would remove the world from the Princess. Thus, they all pooled their magic, one hundred magic users in total, the Centena Council, using wishes abound, to create a new world, in a new universe, bound and constrained by perfect laws, and, most important, separated from Princess and Servant, as well as all the evils and monstrosities of this world. Thus, Elgarel was born, a mirror of Leragle, but in a new universe, separated, isolated, and perfect. However, magic of this magnitude could be felt across the world, and Servant rushed to inform Princess and together they hatched their own plan. Servant would use all her magic, every last drop and reserve, and every prayer to every god of death and life she could think of, to allow Servant and Princess to cross the boundary that was fast closing, and they must have been heard, because, soon after everything went black, and after a while, their vision restored, and they could feel it in the very marrow of their bones, they were in a new world, they had crossed to Elgarel, weakened and hungry for revenge, but bound to the mausoleum, unable to leave, yet this did not hinder Princess, and as her magic spewed forth, it tore at the boundary magic containing the world, till creatures and artifacts of old starting appearing, the perfect world, no longer perfect.   From the peoples perspective however, things were different, those without magic had no clue, and those with could feel a great tug and pressure on the world, as if gravity had suddenly increased tenfold, till everything went black, and upon awakening, they found themselves in a new world, but lacked knowledge. This was by design, the Centena Council also wishing that the people lost their knowledge of the world, of Princess and Servant, of undead, of monsters, yet this was not perfect, as they also lost knowledge of geography, of gods and demons, and of tasks. Thus, the people reverted, new continents emerged, and races were divided. Elves and Half-Elves formed Geladhil, the Eastern Forests. Dwarves and Gnomes retreated to the great mountains and caves, digging deeper and further than before, nestling within the inner bosom of Elgarel. Human and Halfling formed the Western Metropolis, Eliond. None ventured to the Southern Ice Plains, Aris, and those left, the Dragonborn, the Half-Orcs and Tieflings retreated to the Northern Water Isles, Alis, although some stayed in Eliond, and some went to Geladhil to live with the elves.   Then there were those left behind, the Centena Council, but also the gods, for none wished to travel to the new world, but instead left the people to their own devices, allowing them to form new gods, new religions and new societies. The Centena Council set about restoring what had been lost and destroyed by Princess, so that, one day, should the people return, they will have their former world to return to, free of destruction and mayhem caused by Princess and Servant. And so, in the new world, with no gods to help them, the people, through prayer and hope and religion, created two new entities, the Goddess of Life, Haye, and the God of Death, Zaqhen, for what more could they possibly need, than to pray to the creation of life and sustenance and material, and the death of those things, to be recycled and returned and reborn. A new authority was also called into force, the highest being the Seven High Arch-Magi, who are seated in the Magic Council, an island separated from the four continents, close to the island where Princess and Servant reside, so they can monitor and assist. Below them, are the four main Arch Councils, one in each continent, and below them, were the Mage Towers and Temples, built in each city, town, village and thorpe, to assist the people, and report any news and actions to the higher councils.   And so, with Princess and Servant once more causing the world to tear itself apart, quite literally this time, and the people slowly learning to defend themselves, adventurers emerging to ward of the evil plagues of the world, yet none have been able to stop Princess and Servant, yet.

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The Rise and Fall of the Wraith Princess

Dungeons & Dragons 5e
