The Incarnate Races Species in Eletheria | World Anvil
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The Incarnate Races

The Incarnate Races are the reincarnated souls of the Immortal beings of Eletheria. Dragons, Elder Trees, Giants, and Rocs have such powerful souls that when they die their soul fragments into many aspects. These Soul Aspects become return to the material world in the form of the Incarnate. The soul of the immortal being is reincarnated again when all Soul Aspects bond in life. This may take many lifetimes, each time, the Soul Aspects are reincarnated again and again until the entire soul is bonded again, after which the Immortal is returns in its full form upon the death of its soul fragments. The experience of meeting another aspect of the same parent soul has been described by many as love at first sight. It is an intense feeling, and while not necessarily a romantic one, most soul aspects forge lasting friendships that transcend lifetimes.


Descendent from the majestic Rocs.  


Elves are the reincarnated aspects of the elder trees. They are bound to nature and have a strong connection to the First Light and the First Dark. Elves can live for upwards of 600 years, reaching maturity in the early years of their first century. Most elves are of medium height ranging between 5 and 6 feet with pointed ears and largely androgynous features. Most elves feel most at home in the forested regions of Eletheria and places that share a deep connection to the heritage of the elder trees. In the first age, many elves worshipped elder trees as deities, speaking with them for insight and guidance.   A trait much associated with the elder trees from which they came is their immunity to sleep inducing magic. In fact, elves do not require sleep but instead enter states of deep meditation and waking dreams. In this dreamlike trance, elves are said to collect and absorb energy from the First Light and the First Dark much like a spiritual photosynthesis that rejuvenates their bodies. When an elf reaches maturity, their trance becomes like vivid lucid dream in which an elf can relive past memories. These dreams are distinguishable from real world experiences by hyper-saturation of the senses and faint indiscernible meandering of an ethereal melody. With training and meditation, it is even possible to remember past elven lives or even the lives of the Elder Tree from which their soul came. There are three subspecies of elves that descend directly from the elder trees: the bright elves, wood elves, and void elves. There are also two other subspecies of elves that exist outside of this connection to the elder trees, the shadow elves and the sea elves.

Bright Elves

Reincarnated from the soul fragments of a Bright Tree, the bright elves have golden skin that can range widely from rose gold to white gold and anything in between. Some bright elves glitter softly while others have much more human looking skin. Like all elves they are innately capable of manipulating the soul song into magic, most often in the form of spells that produce light, though some bright elves have been known to turn invisible and magically induce sleep in others.

Originally from Eilohiir of Endrys, the first bright elves were said to have stepped out of the trees when the first elder tree died. Throughout history, the bright elves of Eilohiir have cultivated lasting influences on Endrys, most notably through Maerdrym dynasty which lasted for almost two millennia. Since then, bright elves have spread all across Eletheria usually not settling within or close to the forests of their ancestors. Bright elves can also be found in the sprawling metropolises and cities across Endrys and Askiir both creating diaspora's of Eilohiiran culture and adopting the cultures and customs of other peoples.    

Wood Elves

Wood elves are born from the fragmented souls of the Heart Trees. They have earthy brown skin and are taller than other elves on average. While the bright trees are associated with the First Light, and the void trees with the First Dark, the heart trees instead pulse with the lifeforce of the material world.   The expansive and untamed forests of Chorthran were said to be where the first wood elf emerged and Chorthran remains a home to many wood elves. Chorthran wood elves tend to form large communities within the canopies of the forest. The nurturing presence and ancestry of the heart trees has been a formative influence in culture for the wood elves of Chorthran. Elven communities in Chorthran see themselves as caretakers of nature, maintaining balance and promoting life and health within the forest.


Void Elves

Descendent from the void trees of Nyamthreal, void elves have skin as smooth and dark as midnight with eyes that twinkle like stars. Inheriting darkness from the soul of the void tree, the void elves are naturally sensitive to sunlight but have exceptionally keen senses in the dark. They tend to be nocturnal, using their innate magic to both see more fully in the depths of night and protect them from the blinding radiance of the day. From the void trees, the void elves of Nyamthreal have learned to approach life with slow careful wisdom and as such are slow to action.


Shadow Elves

The shadow elves have for some reason or another become separated from the cycle of life and death of their parent elder tree. Perhaps one of the soul aspects of that tree was somehow destroyed (not just killed, but completely destroyed) or the connection was severed through a powerful curse. Whatever caused this severed connection, that elf slowly loses the distinct coloration of its previous form instead turning cold and grey. The transformation into a shadow elf is a drawn out process that can take several months but its final changes are permanent. Shadow elves are no longer connected to the souls of an immortal being and as such often fall into immense grief following their transformation. Most shadow elves eventually overcome their loss and adapt to their new life with an acceptance of its inevitable end. It is not uncommon, however, for a shadow elf to seek immortality through other means, not all of which being benevolent.

Sea Elves

Sea elves were once elves that lived by coastal towns and enticed into the depths of the ocean. with a beautiful song When the elves left for the sea, something changed within their souls so that in death they no longer reincarnated in the form of an elder tree. Many sea elves believe that in death they become one with the ocean itself, no longer tied to a cycle of life and rebirth.


When a dragon dies its soul fragments are reincarnated as dragonborn, a bipedal species that strongly resemble their dragon ancestors. Standing between 5'4 and 7 feet tall, they have long lashing tails, scaled hides ranging across the spectrum of draconic coloration. They have a draconic visage with powerful jaws lined with two rows of sharp teeth. Some dragonborn have whiskers or spines while others may have horns or even protruding tusks.

Within every dragonborn is also the brimming energy of a breath weapon corresponding to its color and is resistant to the elemental energy associated with it. Dragonborn hatch from eggs requiring the breath weapon of another dragonborn before it will hatch. Baby dragonborn grow rapidly reaching their full size in approximately 4 years. A dragonborn will reach mental and physical maturity around the age of 15 and have been known to live for more than a century. Dragonborn are colorless and lack the ability to breath fire in their youth. When a dragonborn reaches maturity, it is customary to complete a rite of passage to put themselves more in touch with their identity and temperament. While these rites vary from region to region, completing such a personal trial changes the scales of the young adult dragonborn to the color they connect with the most. Over time some dragonborn have been known to change in color as they develop and grow within the world.
Element Chromatic Coloration Metalic Coloration
Acid Black Copper
Fire Red Gold
Ice White Silver
Lightning Blue Bronze
Poison Green Brass
Dragonborn tend to live in places most suitable to their color and elemental nature. Dragonborn imbued with a posion or acid breath weapon have been known to live in swamps and jungles where their natural resistances are most practical to their survival, while dragonborn with an icey breath weapon tend to prefer the colder climates of mountain peaks and arctic tundras. Being cold-blooded, however, deserts and other dry climates are favorable to most, regardless of color.

While uncommon, occasionally a dragonborn will take on a different color of scales than the typical dragon colors. These dragons might instead develop shimmering platinum scales or multicolored scale pattern. Dragonborn with these color discrepancies lack the ability to produce a breath weapon and tend to live less than half as long with most not living beyond the age of 40. Neither platinum nor dappled dragonborn have been observed to be capable of changing the color of their scales. It is unclear whether this trait is hereditary or the result of some unknown phenomena.


Goliath are the soul aspects of the giants. They are tall and muscular ranging in height from 7 to 8 feet on average. A distinctive physical feature of goliaths are the dark patterned marks printed on their skin. These marks differ from one goliath to another, each as unique as a thumbprint. Goliaths tend to be hairless with only a few being able to grow any at all. The ancestral homeland of the goliath is Endrys emerging in the first age upon the death of the first giant. Their hardy constitutions, however, have allowed goliath to spread to the farthest more barren reaches of the known world. Goliath are also adaptable and well suited for extreme climates and environments like colossal mountains, fiery deserts, or wild unforgiving plains. There are a number of subspecies of goliath that are descendent from specific types of giant: mountain goliaths, sea goliaths, and sun goliaths.

Mountain Goliaths

Mountain goliath are born from the fragmented souls of Storm and Cloud giants and are the most widespread and adaptable of goliath kind. Their skin can vary from pale grey to a darker tone, depending on generational exposure to the harsh sun. They primarily live in the peaks and valleys of mountain ranges throughout Eletheria. The most notable community is the nomadic tribe of the Ven Goliath nestled in the valley of the Ven with numbers ranging in the thousands. There is also a sizable tribe of goliath within the canyons of Gyregeld known in the region for their hospitable nature and helpful demeanor towards travelers. Being soul aspects of the cloud and storm giants, Mountain giants are naturally acclimated to high altitudes and extreme cold, though mountain goliath can also be found in hotter regions of the world as well (such as the canyons of Gyregeld).

Sea Goliaths

The fragmented souls of Frost giants, and Storm giants reincarnate as sea goliath. Sea goliath tend to live near large bodies of water, possessing the same resistance to cold as mountain giants thanks to their Frost giant ancestry.

Sun Goliaths

Descendent from Fire, Stone and Hill giants, sun goliaths prefer the hot environments of blazing deserts and searing volcanos. From their fire giant ancestry, sun giants are naturally resistant to extreme heat and fire. They are also among the tallest of the goliaths ranging in height from 7 and 1/2 feet to 8 and 1/2 feet tall. Sun goliaths have smooth obsidian colored skin and the markings on their skin are a pale white rather than the darker color of the mountain and sea goliath. As mentioned, some mountain goliath also have darker skin, however, the markings of a mountain goliath will darken over generations, whereas a sun goliath's marking remain light.

More Races

Table of Contents

  • Aarokocra
  • Elves
  • Dragonborn
  • Goliaths

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