The Dragon Triplets and the Dragonborn Myth in Eletheria | World Anvil
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The Dragon Triplets and the Dragonborn

Children of the World Turtle

In Askiirian mythology, the World Turtle Bixi is said to be the creator of Eletheria. Bixi is an ancient creature that collected stones and grains of sand from the void of the astral sea, gathering them into what is now Eletheria. It is said that dragon turtles are direct descendants of Bixi spawning from one of her many eggs over the milennia. True dragons, however, have a more storied origin. eons

Born of Wind and Flame

From above, the air spirit of Auran filled the sky and pitied the creatures hungry and alone. So it swooped down and breathed into their souls, filling them with air and gifting them the power of flight. Aura did this so they could take to the sky in search of prey. It was in the sky that the three siblings learned their names, Tia, Baha, and Ur.   As the wind spirit watched over them they grew larger and felt an urge deep within them. More than anything they felt compelled by instinct to search for a nest, a world of their own. So the siblings departed, leaving to make their homes. Tia, found a breathtaking expanse, A forest at the edge of a volcano, and their she nested. Baha found his home high atop a mountain, so far away that he could rest in peace.   While their siblings found their homes, Ur grew lonely in their absence, feeling an incredible bond between them, and Ur departed first in search of Tia. When they arrived however, they found the earth spirit had attacked Tia with vitriol and malign hatred. Ur flew to the top of the volcano and called out to Tia, but she did not answer. Instead the fire spirit Ignis replied.   The volcano erupted with a fire that burned into their soul, Ur found themselves imbued with raging flame. With their new found power Ur rallied against Terra fending them off with wing and fire. They beat back the spirit but not before a fatal blow was dealt to their sister. Tia lay in the woods dying, and in an act of sacrifice Ur gave up a portion of their soul to save her. Tia needed to recover so Ur traveled with haste to the mountain of their brother Baha. There they found Baha dying. Ur repeated the ritual giving up another portion of their soul to restore their brother. Baha awoke to find a very weak Ur and together they lay while Ur drew their last breath, no longer been strong enough to hold onto their mortal form. Baha and Tia were left alone and grieved in different ways for they had received different aspects of Ur's soul. Tia had inherited Ur's anger and she raged across Eletheria in agony at the death of her sibling. She destroyed anything in her path and swore to avenge Ur's death. Baha, however, inherited Ur's patience and so Baha returned to the mountain where Ur died and waited, knowing that one day, Ur they would be together again.  

Hatched in Fire

The birth of a dragon is an unusual and magical event on Eletheria. Instead of relying on sexual reproduction in the traditional sense, a dragon egg enters the world inert an

Draconic Gods

In the realm of Dakseeth, Tia, Baha, and Ur are worshiped as gods. While priests and theologians of the Corrium empire might contest their actual status as gods compared to the Aelran and the Balran, the fact that they are beings of immense power is undeniable. While it is not unusual for someone to perscribe to one of the dragon gods above the others, it is widely acknowledged that each of the gods is a part of a whole and zealous adherence to the principles of just one of them is counter to their philosophy.


The five-headed Dragon Queen, Tiamat represents willpower, cunning, prosperity, vanity, and destruction. She is a god of swift action and is seen by many as the mother of all chromatic dragons. Her followers are bold and decisive in general though many affiliate with a one or two aspects of her form exclusively.


The Platinum Dragon King, Bahamut represents patience, forgiveness, tranquility, apathy, and stagnation. He is a god of longevity and is seen by many as the father of all metallic dragons. His followers generally choose to take their time, waiting and observing until they have had ample to time to think on the matter.  


The enigmatic Dragon Monarch, Ur represents sacrifice, selflessness, family, duty, and protection. Having died to save their siblings lives, rituals and ceremony around Ur as a god often prophesize their glorious return to one day rejoin their siblings. To many, Ur is a harbinger of peace and some sects within Dakseeth have actively sought ways of resurrecting the dead god.

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