Birdfolk Species in Eleril | World Anvil
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The mysterious Birdfolk are seldom seen in Eleril due to their solitary nature.  The resemble man sized avian creatures.

Basic Information


While in flight the birdfolk resemble large avian creatures but on land or when standing up right they stand 5 to 6 feet tall with long legs and wicked taloned feet.  Much like their smaller cousins they are covered in feathers with males often showing bright plumage.  Their heads are also of an avian nature with prominent beaks ranging from rounded parrotlike to sharp raptorlike.

Genetics and Reproduction

Much like smaller birds, the birdfolk mate in pairs and lay clutches of eggs that are cared for by both parents until they hatch roughly 4 months later.

Growth Rate & Stages

Birdfolk mature quickly, reaching maturity around 4 years old and living to the age of 50-60.  There are cases where some have lived well past that through magical and spiritual means.

Ecology and Habitats

Birdfolk prefer open areas with large trees to build their homes in.  They are not fond of enclosed places such as underground.  Those that are of the more arcane nature that live in towers often have expansive openings at the top that are easily accessible to them to enjoy the freedom of open air.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The birdfolk exhibit exceptional intelligence often following and practicing magical and mystical arts.
50-60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
80 to 100 lbs

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