The Pillar of Erdantia
The Pillar of Erdantia was a Cordaintine landmark that stood at the center of Peninsula of Erdantia when it was under occupation by the Cordaint Empire. It followed the trend set elsewhere in the empire, where markers were placed in each land they conquered.
Purpose / Function
The Pillar served to act as a method of psychological warfare against the Erdantine natives, as well as to record the date in which key parts of Erdantia were colonised and the date and details of key battles that were fought.
The Pillar resembles an obelisk, and is made from granite from the surrounding area. The sides are carved with a mixture of records written in Cordaintine, and pictograms that are easily recognisable to both Erdantines and Cordaintines. It takes the shape of a pyramid, with steep, sloping sides, and reaches around four metres high, and measures just over a metre wide.
The obelisk was erected in the Month of Ersola, 1220, when the last remaining segments of Erdantia fell to Cordaintine rule. At the time, it was largely bare, save for details regarding the obelisk itself. Over time, it was lined with dates of key battles and stories of the invasion. The last available blank space was filled in in 1389, and the obelisk was considered complete. In 1405, towards the end of the Great Erdantian Rebellion where the Peninsula of Erdantia declared independence from Cordaintine rule, it was torn down by Erdantine civilians who wished to rid the peninsula of the last reminder of the empire's influence. Fragments of it still lie at the original site.
Owning Organization
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