The Emerald Hawkcrest Occupation Military Conflict in Eldria | World Anvil
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The Emerald Hawkcrest Occupation

Marked as the brown region in the 13505 "Map of Eldria's Nations"

The Emerald Hawkcrest Occupation takes place in a in what would have been easily defined as the Emerald Kingdom before the Hawkcrest Alliance claimed the land as their own in 13501 SP.  The original border between these two nations was the River Cline, however due to the the river diverging paths the river now no longer outlines the southern Emerald Kingdom; instead connecting to a new waterway.  The border tries explicitly state this river as the border and as such the Hawkcrest Alliance claim they have legal right to the land.  The Emerald Kingdom has been in negotiations with the Lunar Grove and Terras.  Some fear this could lead to all out war as there have been small skirmishes between armies and due to the double taxes being collected many of the people are ready for one or both armies to leave.
Conflict Type

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