Klome Geographic Location in Eldoria | World Anvil
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Klome is surrounded by thousands of acres of farming and husbandry land. Its primary export is agricultral food.   Klome stands as one of the four foundational cities that birthed the Ministry of Reclamation, a makeshift government formed in the aftermath of the Kingdom of Eldoria's fall by a few of Eldoria's nobles who thought they could take power upon themselves in the abscence of King Ofalis. As a key player in this alliance, Klome contributes not only to the political structure but also to the economic stability of the newly formed coalition.   Nestled along the banks of a gently flowing river, Klome is characterized by clean cobbled streets and tightly packed buildings constructed from vibrant red brick. The architecture reflects a blend of practicality and aesthetics.   Renowned as a bustling trade city, Klome thrives on its location. The nearby river provides an essential waterway for both inland and coastal trade, attracting merchants and ships seeking the city's agricultural wealth. The bustling docks at the river's inlet serve as a gateway for a flourishing trade network, connecting Klome to distant lands and diverse cultures.

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