The Wildwood Clan Organization in Eldoria | World Anvil
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The Wildwood Clan

The Wildwood Clan, formed by Elara Wildwood and Sylvana during the Divine War, fought to protect nature. After the war seeking to restore the Verdant Forest, they requested the Everbloom Wand from King Roland III, but were denied. In desperation, they stole the wand and killed the king when confronted. The Order of the Silver Shield was sent to retaliate, but the clan surrendered and returned the wand. Only the killer of the king was executed, while the others were exiled or enslaved. The remaining Wildwood Clan sought refuge in the Verdant Forest, abiding by the king's decree. Now known as the Forgotten Veil they seek to regain their freedom and once again walk freely throughout Eldoria.


The Wildwood Clan operates under a council-led structure, where respected druids guide the tribe's decisions and actions. The current Leader is Lady Elysia Wildwood, a decendant of Elara. Elysia, born from a Elven father and a Human Mother she shares values of both races.mEven though elves are exhiled to the Verdant Forest many do venture out shape shifted as animals.


The culture of the Wildwood Clan is deeply rooted in reverence for nature, sustainable practices, and a harmonious coexistence with the forest.

Public Agenda

The Wildwood Clan's public agenda is to protect and preserve the natural world and regain the right to roam freely throughout Eldoria.


The Wildwood Clan's assets include their deep connection with nature, their knowledge of druidic magic, and their ability to shape-shift into animal forms.


Formed by Elara Wildwood and Sylvana during the Divine War, the Wildwood Clan fought to protect Eldoria. After the War a fateful encounter with King Roland III, they stole the Everbloom Wand but later surrendered it to King Roland IV. Exiled to the Verdant Forest by Queen Katherine, they remain determined to regain their freedom and preserve their druidic traditions. Now what is left of the Wildwood Clan go under a new name "The Forgotten Veil" still adhering to the teachings of Sylvana, the Goddess of Nature.

“Nature’s Keepers, Unyielding Protectors.”

Founding Date
28 BD
Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Forgotten Veil
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Species

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