The Lightkeepers Organization in Eldoria | World Anvil
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The Lightkeepers

The Lightkeepers, blessed with the divine grace of Solara, embody the radiant magic of light. They are devoted healers and guardians, wielding their mystical powers to mend wounds, banish darkness, and bring hope to those in need. With their unwavering faith and compassionate spirits, the Lightkeepers stand as beacons of illumination, guiding others through the shadows and protecting the realm from the encroaching forces of evil.


In the present day, the Lightkeepers maintain a well-structured organization under the leadership of High Priestess Baylee Cullen. The organization is divided into various divisions and ranks, each with its own responsibilities and areas of expertise. The Radiant Council, comprised of experienced members, advises the High Priestess and contributes to decision-making. Within the Lightkeepers, there are specialized branches that include the Order of Illumination, Order of Vigilance, Order of Healing, and Order of Devotion. These divisions work together harmoniously, upholding the principles of the Lightkeepers and spreading Solara's divine light throughout the world.


The Lightkeepers foster a culture of devotion, enlightenment, and unity. They embrace Solara's teachings of compassion, healing, and the pursuit of knowledge. The organization values integrity, discipline, and the pursuit of spiritual growth. Through their rituals, ceremonies, and shared beliefs, the Lightkeepers create a sense of community and purpose, upholding the ideals of their founder, High Priest Judah Grayson.

Public Agenda

The Lightkeepers' public agenda is to serve as guardians of light, promoting peace, harmony, and the well-being of all beings. They strive to bring Solara's radiant grace to the world, offering healing, guidance, and spiritual enlightenment to those in need. Their ultimate goal is to create a world where love and compassion prevail, fostering a balance between the mortal realm and the divine realms.


The Lightkeepers possess sacred temples and shrines dedicated to Solara, housing ancient texts and artifacts of divine significance. They also have a network of devoted followers and skilled practitioners of light magic. Their greatest assets, however, lie in their unwavering faith and the collective wisdom and strength of their members, united in their pursuit of upholding the light.

Mythology & Lore

According to Lightkeeper mythology, Solara is believed to be the radiant embodiment of purity and enlightenment. She is revered as the benevolent goddess of light, guiding mortals on the path of righteousness and illuminating the darkness that threatens to consume the world. The Lightkeepers view themselves as the chosen guardians of Solara's divine light, entrusted with the sacred duty of preserving harmony and dispelling the shadows that lurk within the hearts of beings.

Divine Origins

The religion of the Lightkeepers originated in the ancient city of Eldor, where High Priest Judah Grayson communed with Solara and received divine revelations. The teachings, beliefs, and sacrosanct rituals developed through generations of devoted followers who sought to embody the principles of light, purity, and enlightenment. The sacred knowledge was passed down through oral traditions and written texts, shaping the foundation of the Lightkeepers' faith.

"Bathed in light, we heal and protect."

Founding Date
28 BD
Religious, Holy Order
Leader Title
Head of Government
Official State Religion
Notable Members

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